The Accessible Housing Program (AcHP) ensures that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to rent, use,
and enjoy housing that has received financial or other assistance from the City of Los Angeles (City) or the
Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Los Angeles (CRA/LA).
The ACHP covers 730+ existing affordable rental housing developments built before April 2016, and all Housing
Developments with five or more housing units that were designed, constructed, altered, operated, administered, or
financed by the City. These developments are referred to as Covered Housing Developments.
The AcHP serves to:
1. Ensure that at least 4,000 units in the existing Covered Housing Developments meet federal and state
accessibility requirements, and contain the required number of:
Mobility Units designed for people who have mobility disabilities, including people who use wheelchairs;
Hearing/Vision Units designed with features for people with hearing and vision disabilities;
2. Ensure that all rental housing financed or assisted by the City or the CRA/LA meet all federal and state
accessibility requirements;
3. Require Covered Housing Developments to adopt and implement the City’s Policies and Forms related to
accessibility and rights for people with disabilities;
4. Provide training to property owners and management staff of Covered Housing Developments on required
accessibility and non-discrimination laws, regulations, and policies;
5. Develop a Unit Utilization Plan that will apply to all Covered Housing Developments to maximize the occupancy
of the Accessible Housing Units by individuals who need the features of the unit.
6. Develop an Enhanced Housing Accessibility Program for Individuals with Disabilities to meet the housing-related
accessibility needs of an individual with disabilities;
7. Provide a Grievance Procedure; and
8. Maintain an Accessible Housing Registry website that allows people with disabilities to identify accessible,
affordable units in Covered Housing Developments, apply online to rent vacant units, be placed on accessible unit
waiting lists in existing developments, and learn when vacant units are available.
The AcHP is administered by the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD) on behalf of the City.
External Program Reviews
The City has contracted with Abt Associates (Abt) and its partners, E&A Team and Vital Research, to conduct external
reviews of the program. If your property is selected for review, you are required to participate in order to comply with
AcHP. The review team will request documents, and conduct interviews with owners, property managers, and selected
residents. If you have any questions, please email lahd.achppolicy@lacity.org. (Visited 4,979 times, 1 visits today)