Accessible Housing Program, Housing, Housing Programs|

Accessible Transportation Services

Provide transportation services for people with disabilities.

Benefit Assistance Resources

Provide assistance in applying for financial benefits including Supplemental Security Income, Social …

Effective Communication Resources

Provide communication services for the people with vision, hearing or speech disabilities.

Fair Housing Resources

Provide investigations of housing discrimination complaints based on disability, including denial of of reasonable accommodations …

Homeless Services

Provide Emergency and Transitional Housing for people who are homeless, and assist with locating more …

Independent Living Center Resources

Provide a variety of services and assistance to help people with disabilities live independently.

Landlord/Tenant & Legal Services Resources

Provide a variety of assistance including legal assistance on landlord/tenant issues, rent stabilization, code enforcement …

Property Owner & Manager Resources

Provide general information on fair housing rights and responsibilities related to people with disabilities.

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