The City of Los Angeles takes homelessness very seriously. The City adopted a Comprehensive Homeless Strategy to end homelessness in our City.
The City and its partners, including the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA), are working with community partners to provide homeless individuals and families the resources they need to achieve independent, stable and secure housing. Services available include interim housing, shelter, supportive housing, rapid re-housing, public sanitation (restrooms/showers) services, meals, storage of personal property, transportation assistance, alcohol/drug, and mental health counseling, job training, and case management. Additional shelter beds are available during the winter months of December – March.
- If you are a homeless individual or family or believe you are at significant risk of becoming homeless, please contact the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA), at (213) 225-6581, or visit LAHSA’s website for specific information about city-funded programs that are available to homeless individuals, youth, and families and which you may be eligible to receive services under.
- Homeless families: If you and your family (adults with children under age 18) are homeless and need immediate assistance call 2-1-1, which is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- If you would like to request an outreach team to assist a homeless person or visit an encampment, you can fill out this request form.
- Join Everyone In, a county-wide campaign to bring an end to homelessness in Los Angeles.
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