Accessible Housing Program, Housing, Housing Programs|

“The Accessible Housing Program (AcHP) is an office in Los Angeles Housing Department designated to carry out the terms of the Settlement Agreement (SA) and Voluntary Compliance Agreement (VCA).

Effective September 5, 2016, the City entered into a settlement agreement (SA) with the plaintiffs, Independent Living Center of Southern California, et al., to bring the City and the Covered Housing Developments into compliance with both physical and programmatic accessibility requirements.

Effective August 2, 2019, the City entered into a Voluntary Compliance Agreement with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.  Per VCA §IV.¶61, “this Agreement applies to all Housing Developments, housing projects, housing facilities, and related programs or activities that involved, currently involve, or will involve, Federal financial assistance administered by the Department and utilized by the City and/or a Subrecipient of the City as well as all of the Housing Developments that were, are, or will be designed, constructed, altered, operated, administered, or financed, in whole or in part, in connection with a multifamily housing program administered in whole or in part by the City and/or a Subrecipient of the City since January 26, 1992.”

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