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We know that some of the terms we use may not be familiar to a person outside of the department. We try to avoid using those as much as possible and would like to share a resource guide so as not to get lost in an alphabet soup of acronyms that make it harder to serve you. Following is a list of terms and acronyms that we hope will help you access our programs and initiatives better. If there are any terms or acronyms missing, please let us know and we will add them.

HCIDLA : Los Angeles Housing + Community Investment Department. The name of our newly integrated department that brings together the LA Housing Department and the Community Development Department, which officially became one in 2013. Learn more about our history, mission and programs here

RSO : Rent Stabilization Ordinance. Regulations related to rent-controlled properties that landlords must comply with to avoid fines and other penalties. An apartment falls under this ordinance if it is being rented and its certificate of occupancy (usually displayed in a public place like your lobby area) was issued on or before October 1, 1978. Since 2007, certain replacement units built after 2006 are also rent controlled. The ordinance regulates rent increases and regulates grounds for evictions and evictions where the renter was not at fault. Learn more here

REAP: Rent Escrow Account Program. Property owners whose properties have violated safety and health standards according to the city’s Code Enforcement and don’t repair or maintain their properties as required by city inspectors would be put into this program. This may result in penalties landlords must pay, reduced rent payments from the tenant and not being able to sell the property.

RFP: Request for Proposals. A call for proposals to bid for a grant that includes such information as funding sources, types of projects it will fund, eligibility and how to apply

RFQ: Request for Quotations. A call for proposals and specifically a cost quotation to bid for a contract that includes scope of work, deliverables and timeline, as well as eligibility and how to submit one.

NSP: Neighborhood Stabilization Program. Federally-funded program that acquires and rehabilitates foreclosed or abandoned homes to beautify depressed neighborhoods and prevent home prices from declining further. Learn more about the program, eligibility and how to apply here.

LIPA: Low Income Purchase Assistance. Helps first-time, low-income populations buy a home by lending funds to cover the down payment, closing costs and acquisition financing.

SCEP: Systematic Code Enforcement Program. Program where inspectors routinely inspect rental properties with two or more housing units to ensure the properties are being properly repaired and maintained to meet safety and healthy standards; and to respond to reports of violations.

TRIP: Tenant Relocation Inspection Program. Provides relocation benefits for eligible tenants who are required to vacate their homes because of hazardous conditions to be owner controlled, which threaten the health and safety of renters.

CCRIS: Code, Compliance and Rent Information System. Online portal used by nonprofit organizations who are hired by HCIDLA to conduct outreach to their communities about the importance of living under safe and healthy conditions and how to address violations. [link to portal]

HIMS: Housing Information Management System. Online portal used to manage housing projects and loan information as well as to process homebuyer assistance projects. Also used to track and report grants and contracts. [link to portal]

URA: Uniform Relocation Assistance. Federal regulation that developers and consultants working with us need to comply with as we manage programs funded by HUD that requires compliance. [link to relevant page]

LAMC: Los Angeles Municipal Code. City law from which the regulations relating to rent controlled apartments known as the Rent Stabilization Ordinance originates. Read the full code here. [link to full text of LAMC on legal site]

APN: Assessor Parcel Number. The unique number assigned to pieces of property including land and structures by the tax authorities of a particular city as a way to identify and keep records on that property.

FSC: FamilySource Centers. Social services agencies managed by HCIDLA staff and nonprofit community partners to meet the needs of underserved populations. There are 20 centers located throughout Los Angeles. Find the one nearest you here. [link to FSC page]

AMI: Area Median Income. Income standard set by federal housing authorities (see HUD) and used by HCIDLA to determine eligibility to programs.

HUD: US Department of Housing & Urban Development. Federal agency that funds housing development projects through HCIDLA.

CPD: Office of Community Planning and Development. Office under HUD that provides much of the funding HCIDLA receives for housing projects.

AHTF: Affordable Housing Trust Fund. Creates affordable rental housing for low and very low income populations by making long-term loans for new construction or for the rehabilitation of existing homes or apartments through a competitive bidding (NOFA) process. [link to fund]

CDBG: Community Development Block Grant Program. Federally-funded program that provides communities with resources to address various community development needs. HUD provides grants through local agencies such as HCIDLA. [link to relevant page]

NOFA: Notice of Funding Availability. An announcement stating funding has just become available for a housing development project. [link to most recent notices]

CRA: Community Redevelopment Agency. The now-defunct city agency that worked to develop community development projects throughout Los Angeles. Its assets have been transferred to HCIDLA and part of the agency was reborn as CRA/LA as a so-called Designated Local Authority.

ConPlan: Consolidated Plan. Comprehensive plan that outlines the city’s priorities and five-year goals around community development based on identified needs, market conditions and available resources. Read a summary of the latest ConPlan here [link to library filtered for ConPlan summary]

HACLA: Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles. Owns and manages public housing. HCIDLA acts as a lender and does not own or manage rental or owned property. HCIDLA provides funding to qualified nonprofit or for-profit organizations to develop and maintain affordable housing.

ESG: Emergency Solutions Grants. Federally-funded program to house homeless people and families and provide supportive services.

RRP: Rent Reduction Program. Allows a renter to get their rent reduced by the value of the missing service as determined by us.

URP: Urgent Repair Program. Building cited with life threatening conditions must be repaired within 48 hours.

UMP: Utility Maintenance Program. If owners don’t pay their utility bills, the apartment could be placed into the REAP (see REAP).

MCC: Mortgage Credit Certificate. Provides a federal income tax credit that reduces a homebuyer’s federal income tax. This reduction increases a homebuyer’s disposable income, allowing the buyer to qualify for a home mortgage.

LHRP: Lead Hazard Remediation Program. Offers grants to address lead paint hazards in homes built before 1978 occupied by low-income families with children under the age of six.

OTS: State Office of Traffic Safety. Educates the public about traffic safety and compliance with safety laws including the correct and consistent use of child safety seats.

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