About Us|

HCID all Staff meeting

Where did we come from, who are we at our core and what do we hope to achieve? These are some of the questions we are trying to answer in this section. We invite you to browse through our rich history, mission and core values that have translated to what we are promising we will do for all LA


The City of Los Angeles established the Community Development Department (CDD) in 1976 to implement human services, housing and community programs funded by the Community Development Block Grant. In 1990, the Housing Preservation and Production Department (HPPD) was created as a spin‐ off from CDD and took over the oversight of CDD’s housing programs including rent stabilization, homeowner rehab loans and asset management, to name a few. HPPD changed its name to the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD) in 1993 and worked with CDD to respond to the City’s recovery efforts after the 1992 Civil Unrest and the 1994 Northridge Earthquake.

CDD launched the FamilySource System in 2009 – a one‐ stop shop for service delivery under Community Development and Community Services Block Grant programs that became a model for residents getting various human services programs into a unified system. Between 2009 and 2013, LAHD and CDD continued to collaborate on various programs and implement the Consolidated Plan.

In 2012, responding to a statewide budget deficit due to the Great Recession, the State of California ended the legal authority for redevelopment activities, resulting in the closure of the Community Redevelopment Agency of Los Angeles (CRA/LA). The City transferred CRA/LA’s housing assets to the LAHD. Subsequently, the City split up the Community Development Department, created the Economic and Workforce Development Department and transferred CDD’s community development functions to LAHD, which was renamed the Los Angeles Housing + Community Investment Department (HCIDLA) in mid-2013.

In 2021, the LA City Council approved a split of operations, allowing HCIDLA to be renamed as CIFD, and authorizing the creation of a separate City housing department; the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD) was established in August of 2021.

Vision Statement

To position Los Angeles as a city where all Angelenos are able to have a safe and affordable place
to call home.

Mission Statement

The Los Angeles Housing Department produces, preserves and protects safe and affordable housing for all Angelenos in all neighborhoods.

Core Values

Core values represent who we are and infiltrate everything we do, much like the DNA of our organization. Core values remain constant over time.

1. Customer‐focused

We aim to give a good first impression, think from the perspective of our customers and be reliable and consistent.

2. Equitable and balanced

We act as a neutral party, arbitrating conflicts among different interests.

3. Solution‐oriented

We give more than a simple yes or no answer and give our customers resources to solve their issues to get at the root problem

4. Engaged

We let stakeholders know we are committed and are ready to listen. We also make sure stakeholders feel heard.

5. Innovative and Forward‐thinking

We find creative ways of making a difference by developing new, entrepreneurial processes and creating an environment where thinking outside the box to solve problems is encouraged.

6. Integrity

We uphold the confidence the public has in us to serve their interests and respect the rules and regulations of our roles. We are transparent and acknowledge the trust the public has in us to use public funds.

Brand Promise

Our brand promises are commitments to our stakeholders and are based on our core values and mission statement. Following are our six brand promises:

  • We promise to wisely invest resources in programs, services and partner developments that provide a social return that improves the community, housing and the quality of life for the people of Los Angeles
  • We promise to be a resource and provide expertise and insights on the technical issues of creating more livable communities
  • We promise to be an advocate and ambassador for making Los Angeles a livable place for all residents; at the same time taking a fair and balanced approach to resolving competing interests among stakeholders as we pursue that goal
  • We promise to act with integrity and transparency
  • We promise to be customer‐ focused and strive to make our programs user friendly
  • We promise to be innovative and forward-thinking in our approach to addressing issues to help solve problems that are complex and need new ways of thinking
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