
January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. To help out human trafficking survivors, Councilwoman Nury Martinez is holding her annual toiletry drive:

Dear friends,

This month, I launched my annual drive to collect toiletries for survivors of human trafficking.

As many of you know, ending human trafficking in Los Angeles is a top priority for me. The toiletry drive is just one of the ways I try to help survivors and show them my support.

Why toiletries?

Survivors of human trafficking often escape with little more than the clothes they are wearing. For a woman or child who has lost everything, toiletries can provide comfort and help restore a sense of normalcy.

Through Friday, February 9, my office is collecting shampoo, soap, hair products, dental products, feminine hygiene items and more. You can also give gift cards to be used by survivors to purchase their own toiletries.

All items and gift cards will be donated to Saving Innocence and Journey Out, two L.A.-based organizations that provide wrap-around services and compassionate care to survivors of human trafficking.

To learn more about the toiletry drive, click here to watch a video of the kick-off event. For information on what to donate and where to drop off your items, read the flyer below.

This month, I urge you to reach into your hearts and give. Let’s stand in solidarity with survivors of human trafficking, and together, help them heal.

Thank you,


Council District 6 Stop Human Trafficking Toiletry Drive flyer

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