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The Community Services connect LAHD to social service programs offered by LAHD or other government agencies related to LAHD services, including the FamilySource System, Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking Shelter Operations, Housing Opportunities for Persons with HIV/AIDS (HOPWA), Supportive Housing Services for homeless individuals and families; and administrative oversight of LAHD managed commissions such as: the Affordable Housing Commission, Rent Adjustment Commission, Mobile Home Park Taskforce​, and LA Countywide HOPWA Advisory Committee​.

LAHD Programs

Given the many challenges faced by lower income City residents, LAHD implements a number of programs to address the residents’ needs. Using federal and state funds, LAHD staff and contracted partner organizations provide services to residents to support homeless services, persons living with HIV/AIDS.

Housing Services for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS (HOPWA)

Housing Opportunities for Persons with HIV/AIDS, also known as HOPWA, is a federally-funded program that provides assistance with housing and supportive services for low-income persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families.  The program goals are to maintain stable housing, reduce the risk of homelessness, and increase access to care.  Services are provided countywide.

Other Department Services

The uses federal and state funds, and contracts with community-based organizations provide services to residents to increase family income and to support those experiencing domestic violence or human trafficking.

Homeless Services

The City and its partners, including the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA), are working with community partners to provide homeless individuals and families the resources they need to achieve independent, stable and secure housing. 

Family Source Centers

Serving Low-income city residents with a primary focus on families with children in middle and/or high school. The FamilySource System is comprised of a network of 16 one-stop community centers, known as FamilySource Centers (FSC), designed to assist low-income families to become more self-sufficient by increasing family income and academic achievement for youth and adults. For more information, visit the Community Investment for Families Department.

Domestic Violence Shelters / Human Trafficking Shelter Operations (HTSO) Program

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Providing a safe place for domestic violence and abuse victims. As well as resources for those needing to report or escape human trafficking and teen dating abuse. For more information, visit the Community Investment for Families Department.

Commissions and Advisory Boards

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LAHD works with three City commissions and four advisory groups made up of community leaders who share their expertise and provide strategic policy recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on a variety of challenges that the City faces. We invite you to learn what each of the commissions do, who the commissioners are and how they are working to better serve residents. We also invite you to learn about the other advisory groups that provide advice, feedback, and guidance in the development of our policies, procedures, and programs. 

Rent Adjustment Commission

Responsible for adopting policies, rules and regulations to carry out the mandate of the Rent Stabilization Ordinance. Learn more and meet our six commissioners.

Affordable Housing Commission

Seven Commissioners appointed by the Mayor advises the city’s leadership around affordable housing issues. Learn more about our mission and meet our commissioners.

United to House LA Citizen Oversight Committee (ULA COC)


The ULA Citizen Oversight Committee (COC) was created to oversee and monitor the implementation of United to House LA (ULA). ULA was approved by Los Angeles voters to create a sustainable funding stream dedicated to affordable housing production and homelessness prevention in the City of Los Angeles.

Mobile Home Park Taskforce

The Taskforce provides a specific forum that allows for discussion of issues in mobile home parks. The members of the MHPTF are mobile home owners, mobile home park owners, and industry representatives appointed by the RAC. They provide advice and recommendations to the RAC on matters of concern related to mobile homes and manufactured housing.

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