Rental Aid Program banner

The City of Los Angeles Council District 13 Rental Aid Program is only available for residential tenants that reside within the boundaries of Council District 13. Eligible households will receive a one-time rental subsidy of $5,000 to be used towards back rent owed beginning no earlier than April 1, 2022. If applications received exceed funding availability, eligible applicants will be chosen through a random selection process to participate in the program. To be eligible, renters must be:

  • Residents of the City of Los Angeles and live within the boundaries of Council District 13, regardless of
    immigration status.
  • Renters must owe their landlord unpaid rent on or after April 1, 2022.
  • The household income for 2021 or 2022 must be at or below 80% of the area median
    income (AMI).
Household Size1 Person2 Person3 Person4 Person5 Person6 Person7 Person8 Person
2021 Income Limit$66,250$75,700$85,150$94,600$102,200$109,750$117,350$124,900
2022 Income Limit$66,750$76,250$85,850$95,300$102,950$110,550$118,200$125,800

The application period to apply is now closed.

Applications were accepted from October 24, 2022, through November 4, 2022.

To look up the status of your application, please click on this link or call our RAP hotline at (855) 490-3481 Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Tenant FAQ

 Household income is total household income earned, so the household’s income must be at or below this amount before taxes, depending on the number of people in the household.

Yes, renters living in single-family and condominium rental properties are eligible if located within CD 13 boundaries.

Yes, a tenant must have past-due rent on or after April 1, 2022.

 No, the program is open to all renters, regardless of immigration status.

A tenant will be required to provide:
  • Proof that they are a resident in the City of Los Angeles, such as an identification card, etc.
  • Proof of residential tenancy within the boundaries of Council District 13, such as a rental agreement/lease, a notice issued by your current landlord, etc.
  • Proof of past due rent on or after April 1, 2022, such as a rent receipt, rental ledger, etc.
  • Proof of household income, such as a tax return, 1099, or employer contact information, etc.

If a tenant does not have tax returns or pay stubs, they can provide an Employer Statement with contact information such as name, address, phone, date of employment & income earned.

 Your government-issued photo ID with a different address will still be used to confirm your identity. You may provide a different document to prove your tenancy, such as a recent notice addressed in your name from your current landlord, or a utility bill in your name with your rental unit address.

Yes, we need the information for your landlord, the property owner, or the management company you pay your rent. This way, if you are selected for the program, we know the person in charge to contact and pay the financial assistance on your behalf.

A tenant is not required to pay back the financial assistance. The financial assistance will be paid directly to the landlord on the tenant’s behalf.

 Unfortunately, applications are reviewed and approved based on the information provided for a specific rental unit, at a specific Los Angeles City Council District 13 address, and for a specific landlord.  We do understand the hardships many Angelenos are facing at this time, but we are unable to transfer the financial assistance to a different rental property address.

Yes, renters who receive Section 8 housing choice vouchers for Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH), or live in project-based Section 8 or public housing are eligible to participate in the program.

The rental subsidy is paid directly to the landlord. The rental subsidy will not be paid to the landlord unless the tenant has been qualified by providing documentation to prove their eligibility.

 For a landlord to receive the retinal subsidy, the landlord will be required to provide the following documents:
  • Proof of Identification
  • A completed W-9 form
  • Proof of the tenant’s past due rent on or after April 1, 2022
  • A completed LA City CD 13 Rental Aid Program Landlord Participation Agreement.

No, there is no reimbursement or back pay. The rental subsidy is intended for rent-burdened tenants who were unable to pay their full rent on or after April 1, 2022.

Your status will be “Closed Landlord Paid.” To look up your status, click on this link.

 If your status has been in this stage for more than 14 days, please email us at, and provide your application number to look up the payment details.

Please direct your landlord to this information page so they can better understand how to apply for the rental subsidy. For additional questions, you may email

Landlord FAQ

No, the rental subsidy will not cover any late fees, interest, or other fees. Landlords should also be aware of the COVID-19 emergency renter protections that prohibit charging interest or late fees on unpaid rent due to COVID-19. Learn more here:

Yes, IRS rules require a 1099 to be issued for rental subsidy payments.

The landlord will be required to provide the following documents:
  • Proof of Identification
  • A completed W-9 form
  • Proof of the tenant’s past due rent on or after April 1, 2022
  • A completed LA City ERAP Landlord Participation Agreement.

 Emails were sent to the email address your tenant provided when they applied for the rental subsidy. Please check your spam folder or call the hotline at (855) 490-3481 or email us at

You can check the status of the specific application number online here and it will tell you which of your tenants have been paid out. Also, emails were sent to all landlords and tenants that have been paid.

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