Copyright: Backyard Productions LLC 2020 (Backyard Productions LLC 2020 

Notice to Terminate Tenancy/Eviction Filing

All notices to terminate a tenancy for all rental units subject to City’s Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) and the Just Cause Ordinance (JCO) must be filed with the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD) within three (3) business days of service on the tenant per Los Angeles Municipal Code 151.09.C.9 & 165.05.B.5. 

At-fault legal reasons for eviction under the RSO & JCO include:

*Non-payment of rent;

*Violation of the rental agreement or lease;

*Damage to the rental unit;

*Disorderly behavior/disturbing the peace (Nuisance);

*Refusal to renew a lease or rental agreement of like terms and conditions;

*Refusal to provide access to the apartment when requested in accordance with law;

*Unapproved subtenant at the end of the lease/tenancy;

*Criminal activity

Upload - Notice to Terminate Tenancy (Eviction Notice)

To upload a Notice to Terminate Tenancy, you must create a FREE Angeleno Account or use an existing Angeleno Account.

Those unable to upload Notices online must complete and mail this form to LAHD. Click here to download the PDF, print and mail. Attach a copy of the actual notice of termination of tenancy served on the tenants.

No-Fault Evictions

Tenant no-fault evictions require a Declaration of Intent to Evict to be filed with LAHD with application fees and paid relocation assistance to the tenant. No-fault evictions include owner occupancy, resident manager, government order, demolition, or withdrawal of the rental property from the rental housing market. Please click here for the Declaration of Intent to Evict forms required for all no-fault evictions and information on how to submit the forms. Once processed by LAHD, please upload the No-Fault Notice to Terminate Tenancy using the link above link.

Failure to Provide Eviction Notices to LAHD

A tenant may raise an affirmative defense in an Unlawful Detainer.

To look up if a notice was filed, click here

To request a copy of a notice, click here

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