COVID-19, Highlights|

COVID-19 Emergency Renter Protections

To assist residential renters who have been economically impacted by the Coronavirus, the Mayor and the City Council have adopted tenant protections on evictions and rent increases in the City of Los Angeles.

COVID-19 What you need to know about L.A.'s Renter Protections

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the Coronavirus (COVID-19) as a pandemic. On March 15th, Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti issued an Emergency Order which implemented measures to protect the public and contain the risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus. Additionally, on March 23rd the Mayor issued a temporary moratorium on evictions for non-payment of rent for tenants who are unable to pay rent due to circumstances related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ordinance No.186585 effective March 31, 2020, provided additional protections and effective May 12, 2020, Ordinance No. 186606, further expanded tenants protections during the local emergency in response to COVID-19. Together, these actions are designed to prevent unnecessary housing displacement and to prevent housed individuals from falling into homelessness.

Effective March 30, 2020, rent increases are prohibited for rental units subject to the Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) until 1 year after the expiration of the Local Emergency Period which is ongoing. For more information please read the Ordinance 186607 and Mayor’s Order issued on March 30, 2020.

Update (June 1, 2021)

Please note in the City of Los Angeles, tenants cannot be evicted before the expiration of the City’s Emergency Declaration. The City’s Emergency Declaration is still in effect and will continue to be effective until further notice. The City of Los Angeles ordinance protects tenants that have unpaid rent due to COVID-19 up to 12 months following the end of the Declaration of Local Emergency, or until August 1, 2023, whichever date comes first. If you receive an eviction notice, please file a complaint by calling (866) 557-7368 or online or seek legal assistance at Stay Housed L.A.

Not Able to Pay Your Rent During the "Safer at Home" Emergency Order?

The City of Los Angeles has tenant protections in place to help prevent displacement of its residents who are renters. 

The COVID-19 Renter Protections Fact Sheet (Protections Notice) is required to be given to each residential tenant by the landlord per Ordinance 186606. The Protections Notice must be given to tenants by May 27, 2020. Additionally, effective May 12, 2020, a landlord must also include the Protections Notice when serving a tenant a notice to pay rent or quit, a notice to terminate a residential tenancy, a notice to perform covenant or quit, or any eviction notice served during the local emergency period and for 12 months after the expiration of the local emergency period. The Protections Notice must be in the language predominately used by the tenant. A Sample Notification form to assist tenants to notify their landlord of delays in paying rent can be found below.

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Stay Housed L.A. is a partnership between Los Angeles County, the City of Los Angeles and local community and legal service providers. The program provides information and resources to keep people of Los Angeles in their homes.

City of Los Angeles Renter Protections

  1. No owner can evict a residential tenant for nonpayment of rent if the tenant is unable to pay rent due to circumstance related to the COVID-19, such as:
    • Loss of income due to workplace closure or reduced hours due to COVID-19
    • Loss of income or increased child care expenditures due to school closures
    • Health care expenditures stemming from COVID-19 infection of the tenant or a member of the tenant’s household who is ill with COVID-19
    • Reasonable expenditures stemming from government ordered emergency measures.
    “Tenants are still obligated to pay lawfully charged rent.” However, during the emergency period, tenants may not be evicted for failure to pay rent due to the financial impacts related to COVID-19. Tenants will have up to 12 months following the expiration of the local emergency to repay any back rent due. On March 30, 2020, the City Council extended the repayment period from 6 to 12 months.
  2. No property owner shall exercise a No-fault Eviction during the Local Emergency Period. No-Fault evictions means those not based on an alleged fault of the tenant.
  3. No property owner may withdraw an occupied residential unit from the rental housing market under the Ellis Act.
  4. A property owner must provide a copy of the Protections Notice by May 27, 2020 to all residential tenants in the City of Los Angeles. For 12 months after the expiration of the Local Emergency Period, a copy of the Protections Notice must be provided, when the property owner intends to issue an eviction notice.
  5. Landlords may not evict tenants due to the presence of unauthorized occupants, pets or nuisance related to COVID-19.
  6. Landlords may not charge interest or late fees on unpaid rent due to COVID-19.
  7. Landlords that violate Ordinance #186606, can be sued by the tenant in a civil proceeding, only after the tenant provides a written notice to the landlord of the violation and allows the landlord 15 days to comply.
Landlords are required to give written notice of the renter protections (Protections Notice) to tenants by May 27, 2020.

How will the City implement the residential eviction moratorium?

Affirmative Defense

Tenants facing eviction have an affirmative defense if the proposed eviction is for non-payment of rent and the tenant’s inability to pay rent results from circumstances related to the COVID-19 emergency. Tenants or their attorneys can raise the existence of this moratorium as a defense in an Unlawful Detainer action. Tenants and their attorneys may argue that they are an Affected Tenant by providing documentation to the Landlord that they have lost substantial income.

Tenants should notify their landlord of their inability to pay the full rent before the due date. The Governor’s Order indicates a tenant must notify their landlord in writing before rent is due or within 7 days after the rent due date. The L.A. City Ordinance does not require tenants to provide their landlord notice or documentation if unable to pay rent due to COVID-19, but tenants should keep documentation in the event of a court action.

LAHD Administrative Process

Additionally, the Los Angeles Housing  Department (LAHD) will intake tenant complaints and inform both landlords and tenants of the requirements of the renter protections. LAHD will conduct an investigation similar to the existing process for enforcement of tenant protections under the City’s Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO).

Eviction complaints can be filed:

Electronically at:

Telephone Hotline at (866) 557-7368.

Complaints will be assigned to a Housing Investigator, who will investigate the tenant’s claim and advise the landlord and tenant of their findings

New State Law - AB 3088

Questions and Answers

Yes, although the State Moratorium ended on September 30, 2021, the City’s COVID-19 tenant protections remain in place.

    • The City’s ordinances remain in effect and continue to afford protections to the City’s tenants during the pandemic:
      Landlords may not evict tenants during the local emergency period and for 12 months after the emergency ends for failure to pay rent during the emergency, if that failure to pay rent is related to COVID-19.
    • Landlords may not evict tenants during the emergency for no fault reasons (such as family move-in, installation of a resident manager, or to remove the rental unit from the rental housing market), or for having unauthorized tenants and pets, or creating a nuisance because of COVID-19.
    • Landlords also cannot evict tenants under the Ellis Act until 60 days following the local emergency.
    • Rents on RSO rental units may not be increased until 12 months after the emergency ends.
The Renter Protections apply to all residential and commercial rentals inthe City of Los Angeles, including apartments, duplexes, condominiums and single-family dwellings. The protection applies to all renters, regardless of immigration status.
The current Emergency Order applies to:
  • Residential or commercial evictions stemming from failure to pay rent when the tenant is unable to pay the rent as a result of loss of income related to the Coronavirus as outlined above. This advisory covers residential evictions only.
  • All no-fault evictions. No-Fault evictions means those not based on an alleged fault of the tenant and include evictions for owner occupancy or installation of a resident manager.
  • All evictions for permanent withdrawal of a property from the rental housing market (“Eliis” evictions). Tenancies may not be terminated under the Ellis Act until 60 days after the expiration of the Emergency Order.
  • Tenants may also not be evicted for having an additional tenant, pet or nuisance as a result of circumstances related to COVID-29.
The Renter Protections apply to nonpayment eviction notices, served or filed on or after the date on which the local emergency was proclaimed, March 4, 2020.

Tenants are still obligated to pay lawfully charged rent. However, during the emergency period, tenants may not be evicted for failure to pay rent due to the financial impacts related to COVID-19. Tenants will have up to 12 months following the expiration of the local emergency to repay any back rent due. Landlords and tenants may mutually work out a payment schedule or arrangements for repayment of rent.

First, the renter protections give renters an affirmative defense to tenants facing eviction as a result of their inability to pay rent due to the loss of wages as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Renters should seek assistance from legal services providers in responding to any Unlawful Detainer action filed by their landlords. Click here for Legal referrals.

Any tenant of a residential property in the City of Los Angeles who is unable to pay rent should inform their landlord as soon as possible before the rent is due or within 7 days of the rent due date and try to work out payment arrangements.

If a tenant receives a Notice to Pay Rent or Quit, they should inform their landlord that they are an Affected Tenant as a result of COVID-19 before the expiration of any Notice to Pay Rent or Quit.

Tenants may seek information and assistance from the Los Angeles Housing  Department (LAHD) by calling 866-557-RENT OR 866-557-7368, Monday – Friday, between the hours of 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, or by filing a complaint online at:

A “No-Fault” eviction is one which is not based on any fault or action of the tenant. Examples of “no-fault” evictions include evictions when the landlord or his family intend to move into the unit or when the landlord wishes to withdraw the rental unit from the housing market. These evictions are not allowed during the Emergency Declaration.

Additionally, evictions are not allowed during the Emergency Declaration, if the reason for the eviction is that the landlord wants to withdraw the unit from the rental housing market (“Ellis”).

A tenant “at-fault” eviction is one based on the tenant’s actions in violation of the lease or rental agreement, such as failure to pay rent, causing a nuisance, using the rental unit for an illegal purpose, or a breach of a provision of the lease.

Evictions for non-payment of rent are not allowed through the Emergency Declaration, if the tenant’s inability to pay the full rent is due to circumstances related to COVID-19 as described above. Evictions are also not allowed for having additional occupants, pets, or nuisance as a result of the COVID-19 emergency.

  • A renter contacts LAHD’s hotline (phone) 1-866-557-7368 or online
  • A renter should provide a copy of the “Notice to Pay Rent or Quit” and documentation (if available, but not required) that the renter or household have been financially impacted by COVID-19, if possible. Examples of documentation may include but are not limited to, a letter from your employer citing COVID-19 as a reason for reduced work hours or termination, paycheck stubs, bank statements, doctor’s note, school notifications.
  • Once a complaint is filed, it will be assigned as a case to a Housing Investigator.
  • The Housing Investigator will investigate the claim and let the tenant and the landlord know that the COVID-19 Renter Protections apply.

If your claim is supported, the Housing Investigator will send a letter to the landlord requesting cancellation of the “Notice to Pay Rent or Quit.”

If you receive an eviction notice, please do not move out of your home without first seeking help to understand your options. COVID-19 renter protections and emergency rental assistance may be available. 

If you have missed rent due to COVID-19, or if you expect to miss rent in the near future, it is important to apply for emergency rental assistance as soon as possible. The program is free and pays eligible renters and landlords up to 18 months of past-due rent going as far back as April 1, 2020. You can apply at or get support by calling 1-833-430-2122. The program is open to low-income renters, regardless of immigration status. 

Starting October 1, 2021, in order to take advantage of State protections, a renter must apply for rental assistance within 15 business days of receiving a pay or quit notice, or within 15 business days of receiving a notice from the CA COVID-19 Rent Relief program that your landlord has started an application on your behalf. 

If you have already applied for assistance, it will be helpful to have proof of your completed application available. If you applied through the State’s “Housing is Key” program, you can view your application status here or by calling 1- 833-430-2122. If you applied through the City’s program in the spring of 2021, you can view your status here. It is recommended that you notify your landlord that you have applied for rental assistance, as this can help you in both eviction and rental debt collection lawsuits.

If you receive an eviction notice (for non-payment of rent due to financial distress related to COVID-19, for a no-fault eviction, for the presence of unauthorized occupants or pets, or for nuisance related to COVID-19), you are encouraged to contact us to review the notice by filing a complaint with the Investigation and Enforcement Unit at or call 1-866-557-7368.

It is important that you seek help and do not ignore any eviction notice or lawsuit. Remember that you are not alone. City staff, community partners, and legal service providers are ready to help.

You should pay rent if you are able. However, if you are experiencing COVID-19 financial stress and cannot pay rent, you will need to complete the tenant portion of the emergency rental assistance application within 15 business days of receiving a “pay or quit” notice, or within 15 business days of receiving a notice from the CA COVID-19 Rent Relief program that your landlord has started an application on your behalf. The program is free and pays eligible renters and landlords up to 18 months of past-due rent going as far back as April 1, 2020. You can apply at or get support by calling 1-833-430-2122. The program is open to low-income renters, regardless of immigration status.

If you are waiting for the City or State to process your rental assistance, you cannot be evicted for back rent. Under State law AB 832, a landlord is not able to evict or sue a tenant for rent owed between March 1, 2020, and March 31, 2022, unless their rental assistance application is denied. 

It is important that you do not ignore a notice and do seek help from City staff, community partners, and legal service providers. You are encouraged to contact us to review the notice by filing a complaint with the Investigation and Enforcement Unit at or call 1-866-557-7368. For free legal services visit or call 1-888-694-0040.

If you are a renter who applied through the State’s “Housing is Key” program, you can view your application status here or by calling 1- 833-430-2122. If you applied through the City’s program in the spring of 2021, you can view your status here. Be aware that renters can only receive up to 18 months of assistance under federal law.

You may be eligible for additional assistance. Get access to additional help by applying at You can also get support with completing your application by calling 1-833-430-2122. Under the current federal law, renters can receive up to 18 months of emergency assistance. 

If you originally applied for rental assistance with the City of Los Angeles, visit to check the status of your application and learn more about next steps.

City of Los Angeles COVID-19 tenant protections still apply to over-income tenants, even if they do not qualify for emergency renters assistance.

The City’s ordinance is focused on eviction protection. A landlord cannot evict a tenant as long as the deferred rent is paid within 12 months of the City lifting the emergency – or by May 1, 2023 – whichever date is earlier. However, a tenant may be taken to civil or small claims court before the deadline, and a landlord may seek a judgment against them for the amount of rent owed. Currently, under the State’s law, the earliest the landlord can file a claim for rental debt is November 1, 2021. A landlord may be able to collect on a judgment against a tenant through wage garnishment or other legal means of debt collection. However, a judgment saying a tenant owes rent is not sufficient to evict them under City protections. Tenants should never ignore a notice or lawsuit and should seek help by visiting or calling 1-888-694-0040.

As a tenant, you do not have to return a declaration of COVID-19 hardship to be protected under the City’s law. But tenants are encouraged to notify their landlord and keep copies of all of their communication because that might help them in being protected by State law. The notification form also gives the landlord notice that the tenant is protected and might deter the landlord from seeking to evict the tenant.

Sample City forms are available at and State forms at

How will LAHD review eviction complaints related to the COVID-19 emergency response?

Initial Review

  • Verification of the tenant’s receipt of a “Notice to Pay Rent or Quit”.
  • Review of the stated reason for eviction.
  • Review of tenant’s documentation (if documentation is available, but not required) related to their loss of income as a result of:
    1. Workplace closure or reduced hours or services due to COVID-19.
    2. Child care expenditures or inability to work due to school closures.
    3. Health care expenditures stemming from COVID-19 infection of the tenant or a member of the tenant’s household who is ill with COVID-19.
    4. Reasonable expenditures stemming from government ordered emergency measures.
    5. Any additional factors relevant to the tenant’s reduction in income as a result of the COVID-19 emergency.

Tenants will be advised that they should provide their landlord with notice that they are an Affected Tenant as a result of COVID-19 before the expiration of any Notice to Pay Rent or Quit.

Determination and Communication to the Landlord

If a Notice to Pay Rent or Quit has been issued and supporting documents provided (if documentation is available, but not required), then the Housing Investigator will send a letter to the landlord requesting cancellation of the Notice to Pay Rent or Quit. The letter will communicate that the tenant’s inability to pay rent stems from circumstances related to COVID-19, thus allowing the tenant to repay any back due rent up to 12 months following the expiration of the local emergency, or work out an alternate payment agreement with their landlord.

Post Investigation and Communication to the Tenant

  1. LAHD will provide thorough information to the tenant that can be used to support the affirmative defense in an unlawful detainer action. The tenant will also be provided with legal referrals, or can view a list for affordable or free legal assistance at
  2. Even with the Mayor’s protections on evictions, tenants are still required to pay rent.
  3. Tenants have up to 12 months following the expiration of the local emergency to repay any back rent due.
  4. The tenant and landlord may mutually work out a payment schedule or arrangements for repayment of rent.

Tenants should immediately inform their landlord that they cannot pay their rent or cannot pay their rent in full due to a loss of income arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. If the landlord does not withdraw the eviction notice, tenants should immediately file a complaint with HCIDLA at or by calling 866-557-RENT (866-557-7368) between 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday or 10:00 a.m. through 3:00 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays.

If you reach the expiration date listed on the “Notice to Pay Rent or Quit” and are unable to work out a payment plan with your landlord or resolve your complaint with HCIDLA, you may receive a formal eviction or “Unlawful Detainer.” This means you may have to go to court to fight the eviction.

It is important to seek legal assistance in responding to any eviction or “Unlawful Detainer” action filed by your landlord. If a tenant is served with Court papers or an Unlawful Detainer action, they should immediately seek legal counsel and assistance in responding to the Unlawful Detainer. Please visit Stay Housed LA immediately at to seek emergency legal assistance.

“Do not ignore a notice from the Court or Unlawful Detainer notification!”

Tenants do not have to leave their units unless they are served with a Sheriff’s Order, which happens after the case is heard in Court.

The COVID-19 Renter Protections are in effect from the date of the declaration of the emergency on March 4, 2020, through the expiration of the emergency. Ellis evictions are disallowed for 60 days after the end of the emergency declaration.

Under the Mayor’s order, tenants have up to 12 months following the expiration of the local emergency to repay any back rent due. The tenant and landlord may mutually work out a payment schedule or arrangements for repayment of the rent. HCIDLA will assist with repayment agreements.
  • Landlords may be able to apply for a disaster loan related to economic damage from the Coronavirus crisis through the Small Business Administration:
  • L.A. County’s Disaster Help Center is providing expanded foreclosure protection assistance for landlords with 15 or fewer units. If you are a property owner facing financial difficulty, contact the Help Center to learn about available resources for your situation. Call (833) 238-4450 or visit
  • Any property owner affected by the COVID-19 crisis who is struggling to pay property taxes can complete and submit a penalty cancellation request online by visiting If you cannot submit online, call 213-974-2111.

Learn More

Best Practices for Tenants and Landlords / Property Managers

For tenants

  • Communicate with your landlord about your inability to pay if your income is affected by the COVID-19 emergency.
  • Do not ignore any notices issued by the landlord or property manager.
  • If you file a complaint (case) with LAHD, be sure to comply with the requirements and documentation requested by LAHD.
  • All tenants are still responsible for any lawfully charged rents due.

For landlords and property managers

  • Work with tenants, during the Emergency Declaration period.
  • Communicate with the tenant about their ability to pay..
  • Do not ignore the tenant protections in place.
  • Thank you for helping to prevent the displacement of your tenants.

Tenant and Landlord Resources

Tenant Resources (Recursos para inquilinos):

LA County’s Department of Social Services: Your Benefits

Landlord Resources (Recursos para proprietarios):

California Coronavirus COVID-19 Get Financial Help

US Small Business Administration (SBA): Disaster Loan Assistance

LA County’s Disaster Help Center: Tenant & Landlord Resources

LA County’s Treasury and Tax Collector: Tax Penalty Cancellation Request

Tenants are still obligated to pay lawfully charged rent

Action / process related to this protections may change, and will be updated accordingly.

Updated: 10/04/21


City Ordinance: Temporary Protection of Tenants During COVID-19 Pandemic –


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