Housing, Housing Programs|

Your landlord may be seeking to recover possession of a rental unit because in order to convert the property to an affordable housing accommodation in accordance with the LAMC 151.02.  The owner must have a recorded regulatory agreement or one shall be recorded within six months of the filing of the Affordable Housing Accommodation as per LAMC 151.02.

What to Expect

Your landlord must provide you with the Affordable Housing Accommodation Notice to Landlord of Interest in Renewing Tenancyform.

If you are interested in renewing the tenancy should the unit become available, you must complete the Affordable Housing Accommodation Notice to Landlord of Interest in Renewing Tenancyand submit to the landlord within 30 days of displacement.

You will be notified if your landlord fails to record the regulatory agreement within the six months of the original filing of the Affordable Housing Accommodation application, as per LAMC 151.02.

If the landlord seeks to re-offer the rental units for rent or lease, the following must occur:
  • The accommodations shall be offered and rented or leased at the lawful rent in effect at the time of the affordable housing exemption was filed with the Department, plus annual adjustments available pursuant to LAMC Section 151.06.

For more information regarding this process, please contact your assigned analyst listed on the HCIDLA correspondence sent to you.

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