Accessible Housing Program, Housing, Housing Programs|

Covered Housing Developments under the Accessible Housing Program (AcHP) include existing, currently under construction,  and newly constructed or rehabilitated multifamily rental housing in the LAHD portfolio that:
  • Received financial or other assistance through a program administered by the City after July 11, 1988;
  • All of the Housing Developments with five or more Housing Units that were designed, constructed, altered, operated, administered, or financed, in whole or in part, in connection with a program administered in whole or in part by the City since January 26, 1992.  These include the CRA Housing Developments.
A searchable list of Covered Housing Developments is available here.
The AcHP does not cover single family homes or any other form of ownership housing, apartment developments built without City or CRA/LA assistance, or housing owned and operated by the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles.

Image: Multiple Units Residential Complex

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