Housing, Existing Homeowners, Housing Programs|

If you are selling or refinancing your home and you have an existing LAHD loan, we offer payoff services for borrowers as well as Subordinations. LAHD will review your loan(s) for special repayment provisions. You may be asked to provide additional documentation to fully process the request.  Please note, if the Deed of Trust or Promissory Note references “Shared Appreciation“, then an Appraisal will be required.


Simply send a payoff request to LAHD to begin the process. Escrow/Title companies, Mortgagers, Lenders and Real Estate Brokers may also submit a payoff request on behalf of the Borrower. Your request letter should include:

  1. Borrower name (as it appears on the loan documents)
  2. Property address (as it appears on the loan documents)
  3. Borrower signature
  4. Contact information that includes e-mail address and/or fax number
  5. LAHD Loan number (if available)
  6. Name and title of requestor
  7. Escrow Number (if available)

The normal delivery time for LAHD to calculate your payoff request is five (5) business days, Shared Appreciation loans may take longer.


In any case where an LAHD loan is paid in full (Interest, Shared Appreciation, & other applicable fees), LAHD will execute a Full Reconveyance or lien release and record the document with the LA County Registrar. If there is an open Escrow and LAHD has an open lien, the department can provide the original executed document to be recorded through Closing. LAHD will need to review the lien, please be sure to include these necessary documents:

  1. Your written request
  2. Borrower’s signed authorization
  3. Recorded Lien
  4. Preliminary Title Report
  5. Shipping Label

The normal turnaround time for a Fully Executed Reconveyance is seven (7) business days, and may be longer in certain cases.


Please submit your requests to:

E-MAIL:  lahd-loanpayoffs@lacity.org (preferred method)

FAX: (213) 808-8606 (only if necessary)

MAIL:  Los Angeles Housing Dept. (LAHD)

           ATTN:  Loan Portfolio Unit

           1910 Sunset Blvd. Ste 300

           Los Angeles, CA 90026

To speak with LAHD staff about your payoff request, please call (213) 808 – 8801.


If you wish to apply for a Subordination please download an Application below and follow the instructions listed.

Subordination Application (PDF)


For information on how to apply for assistance due to the COVID-19 Pandemic please download the link below.

COVID-19 Hardship Forbearance Policy

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