residential building side view

We strive to give you the latest information in the most accessible way possible so you could find helpful resources, pay bills and learn about compliance.

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Rental Property Overview

If you own rental property in the City of Los Angeles, it may be subject to the City’s Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO), the Just Cause Ordinance, AB 1482, or other laws. Find out what you need to know to be in compliance.

Owning or Managing Rental Housing

We offer a variety of programs and services for property owners to invest in their properties and have a positive return on their investment.  These programs also provide landlords with the opportunity to exercise their due process rights through the administration of the General Manager’s hearings, Rent Adjustment Commission’s (RAC) hearings and appeals.

Billing Information

Learn more about Rent Stabilization Ordinance and Systematic Code Enforcement Program Fees annual billing information.

Do you plan to demolish your rental property?

The Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) allows a landlord seeking in good faith to recover possession of a rental unit and remove units from rental housing use (also known as the Ellis Act) if the landlord plans on demolishing or permanently withdrawing the units from the rental housing market.

Tenant Habitability Program

Tenant Habitability Program protect tenants from untenantable housing conditions and/or forced permanent displacement. If you plan to renovate, repair, or alter a building subject to the Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO), your proposed work may qualify within the scope of the Tenant Habitability Program. 

Cost Recovery Programs

Use our guides to calculate allowable rent increases for RSO properties. 

Existing Affordable Housing Developers / Landlords

Learn how to apply for various loan-related services.

Gateway to Green (G2G)

Gateway-to-Green (G2G) is a Los Angeles Housing + Community Investment Department (LAHD) program that helps multi-family rental property owners save money, water, and energy

Assessment of Fair Housing

Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) for Los Angeles will examine whether everyone has similar choices for housing regardless of protected class. Federally protected classes include race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, religion, disability, and families with children.

Rent Calculator

How much should a landlord raise rent on an RSO unit/apartment? Find out. Use the RSO rent increase calculator to assist you.


Looking for an LAHD form to fill out or submit? For your convenience, we have a list of viewable or downloadable forms for the various LAHD programs.

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