Rental Property Owners, Owning or managing rental housing, Restoring utility services through UMP|

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We are here to help!

We want to help you understand the requirements of the Utility Maintenance Program (UMP). Please view the resources available online for more information regarding UMP. If you would like to speak to us about the specifics of your case, please contact us at the numbers below, Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Phone: (844) 864-REAP
Fax:     (213) 808-8810
TTY:    Due to technological changes, if TTY is needed to contact us, please use Telecommunication Relay Services (TRS) such as Text-to-Voice TTY-based TRS, Speech-to-Speech Relay Service, Shared Non-English Language Relay Services, Captioned Telephone Service; IP Captioned Telephone Service, Internet Protocol Relay Service, or Video Relay Service.

Or email


LAHD currently has organizations available to assist you with your property in UMP.  Their services are provided free of charge, and are designed to provide you with information about your rights and responsibilities under UMP.

Each UMP case will be assigned two outreach service providers, one to provide services primarily to tenants, and one to provide services primarily to the property owner.  Please contact the LAHD REAP/UMP Unit to find out which outreach service provider has been assigned to your case.

Services Primarily for Tenants

Coalition for Economic Survival
514 Shatto Place #270
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 252-4411

Inner City Law Center
1309 E. 7th St.
Los Angeles, CA 90021
(213) 891-2880

152 W 32nd St.
Los Angeles, CA 90007
(213) 745-9961 x. 221

Services Primarily for Landlords

The Eberly Company
8383 Wilshire Blvd, Ste. 906
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(323) 937-6468

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