Rental Property Owners, Owning or managing rental housing, Required Inspections, fees, and standards|

A red sign saying Hotel

Photo by Kevin Dooley is licensed by CC BY 2.0

Residential hotels are often the last resort to affordable housing for the very low income, elderly and disabled. To protect residential hotels from conversion or demolition, the City of Los Angeles established the Residential Hotel Unit Conversion and Demolition Ordinance (RHO). Under the RHO, it is unlawful to convert or demolish residential units in a residential hotel without first obtaining proper clearance from the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD).

What is a Residential Hotel?

A residential hotel is a building with six or more guestrooms, intended or designed to be used, or which are used, rented and is occupied as a primary place of residence.

How do I find out if a building is a residential hotel?

The Department maintains records of buildings that have been determined to be residential hotels. In addition, the Department’s Residential Hotel Inspection section may conduct surveys of buildings to determine whether a particular building is a residential hotel. To find out whether a building is a residential hotel, you may contact the Department’s Residential Hotel Inspection Section.

Can I repair or renovate a residential hotel building?

Generally, you may make repairs or renovate a residential hotel building; however, you may not make any repairs, renovations, or alterations to the building or rooms that would reduce the number of guest rooms, efficiency units or efficiency dwelling units that have been determined to be residential units subject to the RHO. Moreover, a residential hotel building is within scope of the City’s Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO), so the residents or tenants have all of the protections that the RSO provides. Therefore, the Department recommends that you contact the Residential Hotel Inspection Section before doing any work on a residential hotel building.

Are there any required inspections?

Yes, Residential Hotels are subject to the Los Angeles Housing Code and therefore must be inspected. Learn more about inspections.

Residential Hotel Unit Conversion and Demolition Ordinance (“RHO”)

Access City of Los Angeles RHO.

Contact Information

If you need additional information regarding residential hotel, please call Residential Hotel Inspection Section at (213) 252-2892.

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