Preserving Affordable Rents

The preservation of existing affordable housing is as critical as creating and incentivizing the production of new affordable housing.  Developing preservation strategies are crucial to prevent a net loss of affordable housing, particularly given the city’s rapidly transforming neighborhoods.  The PP&R unit addresses policy preservation issues through LAHD’s Affordable Housing and Preservation Program (AHPP).

Much of the restricted affordable housing in the City receives rental assistance contracts and/or financing from various federal, state and local programs.  These programs provide rental assistance and/or special financing for developments that provide affordable housing units and subsidize rents for a mandated time period (affordability period).  At the end of this affordability period, rental restrictions expire and property owners have the option to opt-out of the affordable housing programs after meeting certain requirements.

Through its Affordable Housing Preservation Program (AHPP), the LAHD creates and implements non-financial strategies to extend and preserve affordable housing at-risk of losing its affordability restrictions by:

  • Managing the City’s affordable housing inventory  ̶  Affordable Housing Database (AHD) ̶  to track the conversion of affordable housing to market rate housing due to expiration and termination of affordability restrictions.
  • Assisting property owners, tenants and developers in identifying options and resources to preserve or extend existing affordable housing stock.
  • Monitoring and enforcing the California State Notice of Intent requirement law that applies to housing with pending expiration/ termination of affordability restrictions.
  • Supporting citywide and inter-agency efforts to share information, develop preservation action plans, policy development and preemptive efforts to protect the City’s affordable housing stock.
  • Developing at-risk affordable housing data reports, geospatial analysis and providing research and information on at-risk housing and as well as possible preservation opportunities.
  • Developing preservation strategies and monitoring preservation regulations and legislation.
  • Leveraging resources to enhance program preservation program initiatives.

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