The Occupancy Monitoring Unit is responsible for annual verification of tenant income and rent limits for all properties with a recorded regulatory agreement or covenant. LAHD restricts the affordability of certain housing units when the owner received a loan or a land use benefit from the City of Los Angeles. LAHD will monitor projects annually for 55 years or the length of the affordability term. Rent and Income Limits.
- Contact us before you expect to obtain your Certificate of Occupancy. We will provide Occupancy Monitoring training and answer any questions about annual reporting requirements. Urban Futures Bond Administration, Inc. (UFBA), our partner housing compliance firm, will guide you to all required documents, submission deadlines and annual rent and income schedule updates for your affordable housing units. You may visit UFBA at http://www.ufbahc.com
- Advertise your property before you start accepting applications at https://lahousing.lacity.org/AAHR. LAHD requires that all restricted units to be listed here to notify the public of the affordable housing opportunities. This website and its hotline (213) 808-8550 is a free service provided by the City of Los Angeles.
- If you need assistance in income verification for your tenants, use this self-study guide for explanations of the sources of income when conducting income verification. This guidebook is published by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and available here.
- Affordable housing listings for City of Los Angeles and County of Los Angeles website https://lahousing.lacity.org/AAHR, telephone (213) 808-8550
- Section 8 Program website http://home.hacla.org/
- Housing opportunities for people experiencing homelessness website https://www.lahsa.org/, telephone 213-683-3333
- Land use concessions, the Density Bonus Program, AB 2556 or SB 330 determinations website Apply For Land Use Services
E-MAIL: lahd.occmonitor@lacity.org
PHONE: (213) 808-8806
Los Angeles Housing Department
Occupancy Monitoring Unit
1200 W. 7th Street, 8th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017
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