Residents, Low Income Residents|

A program for low-income seniors and people with disabilities.

From the Harbor to Sunland, the Handyworker Program has been serving seniors and people with disabilities throughout the City of Los Angeles since the 1970’s. With grants provided by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Los Angeles Housing Department is able to provide up to $5,000 in home repairs to improve safety, security and comfort for homeowners. Some of these home improvements include wheelchair ramps, disabled access toilets, handrails, quick releases for bars on windows, ground fault circuit interrupter outlets, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.The program includes installation of safety and accessibility devices such as a hand-held showerhead and grab bars. Some features may be available to renters for up to $300 of repairs (hand held showers, bath/shower seats, and grab bars). 

To qualify for the Handyworker program a recipient must be low income and fulfill one of the following additional requirements:

  • Homeowners 62 years and older, or
  • Homeowners living with a permanent mobility, hearing or visual disability, or
  • Homeowners living with family members with a permanent mobility, hearing or visual disability (limited repairs)
  • Renters, 62 years and older, or living with a permanent mobility (limited repairs).

Qualifying documentation is required. If you feel that you qualify, please contact us (213) 808-8803, so that staff may connect you with your local contractor that can both assess and complete work in your home. For more details you may also visit our page on Handyworker Program.

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