Residents, Eviction Assistance, Renters|

The Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) and the Just Cause Ordinance (JCO) allow a landlord to recover possession of a unit if the tenant is engaging in illegal drug activity or other unlawful purpose at the rental property. If you are engaging in illegal activity at the rental property, you may be evicted per LAMC Section 151.09.A.3.

What to Expect

  • The landlord is required to submit the Declaration of to Evict for Alleged Drug Activity to LAHD to comply with the RSO filing requirements.

  • LAHD will acknowledge receipt of the Landlord’s application.

  • The landlord will give you a 3 day notice in accordance with State Law.

  • The landlord will have to support his allegations in a civil court.

  • Case must be resolved in a court proceeding.

More information about your rights and responsibilities under the RSO.

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