The Strategic Engagement and Policy Division (SEP) is a collective of staff members that conduct policy research, analyze and map data, measure program performance, and share this information with internal and external audiences. Additionally, this team is responsible for disaster preparedness and recovery for LAHD, ensuring LAHD staff is ready to respond to an emergency in the City of Los Angeles. These team members work across the department as well as with public and private partners to find solutions for the many challenges facing Los Angeles.

Public Policy & Research

LAHD’s Public Policy and Research Unit collaborates with other LAHD divisions and City departments to inform and craft City housing policy. The Policy Unit uses research and data analysis to develop solutions that address affordable housing production, set tenant protection goals, and draw attention to the economic challenges facing low-income and vulnerable Angelenos.

Performance Metrics & Data Analytics

Accurate and timely data and research are essential to LAHD’s work. Understanding and visualizing social, demographic, economic, and environmental factors enables us to identify areas of need and/or opportunity. Meaningful performance data shows how well programs work and where there is room for improvement. This team reviews and analyzes data from all Bureaus and Divisions, and creates dashboards and reports to share this information.

Disaster Preparedness & Recovery Planning

The Disaster Preparedness & Recovery Planning team is dedicated to raising awareness about emergency preparedness, as well as ensuring that LAHD staff has access to consistent, accurate information before, during, and after a disaster happens. This team responds to emergencies in the City of Los Angeles that involve multi-family residential structures.

Communications & External Affairs

The Communications Team is responsible for internal and external communications including media response, community engagement, external relations/outreach, social media, intranet redesign, LAHD newsletter, branding and visual identity, remediation, and providing support for Bureaus and Divisions.


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