In January, LAHD and LA City Planning jointly launched the 2021-2029 Update to the Housing Element. The Housing Element identifies Los Angeles’ housing needs and establishes clear goals and objectives to inform future housing decisions. State Law requires that the Housing Element is updated every eight years. The current Housing Element covers the period from 2013-2021; the update will cover 2021-2029. For this Housing Element update, the City of Los Angeles is also required to identify fair housing goals, with highest priority to addressing barriers in access to opportunity, in compliance with a newly enacted state law, SB 686. To meet state requirements, the Housing Element Update must be adopted by the City Council prior to October 1, 2021. Find information on the current Housing Element, sign up for email notifications about the update, and learn more about upcoming opportunities to get involved. You can also view a recording of a webinar that explains the Housing Element in English and Spanish.


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