
WE ARE . . . community-led | project-based | policy-oriented

Follow this link for a video of Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell’s presentation of Transgender Awareness Month at City Hall Council Chambers on November 6, 2018.


Advise the Mayor, City Council, elected officials, and governmental agencies to implement policy, programs, and projects that tackle the issues that matter most to the transgender community in Los Angeles.


Our committees plan, recommend, and implement policies, programs, and projects:

Public Safety Committee

The Public Safety Committee works to bridge the transgender and non-binary community to public safety agencies to create mutual understanding.

Employment & Job Readiness Committee

The Employment & Job Readiness Committee brings attention to the particular challenges the transgender community faces when seeking employment. They have collaborated with various City and community partners to co-host job fairs and job-readiness workshops throughout the City for the transgender and non-binary community.

Housing & Homelessness Committee

The Housing and Homelessness Committee advocates for transgender-friendly housing and highlights the needs of homeless transgender and gender non-binary individuals.


The Transgender Advisory Council and the Human Relations Commission provided an update report to the Arts, Entertainment, Parks and River Committee (AEPR) regarding transgender housing issues, collaboration with the AIDS Coordinator’s Office and Personnel cultural sensitivity training on February 28, 2018. The recommendations were approved by City Council on March 28 as part of Transgender Day of Visibility celebrated on March 31. The recommendations made by Committee on May 23 to the update presented by the HCIDLA, TAC, Personnel Department and AIDS Coordinator’s Office were approved by City Council on June 12. The TAC will continue working on a Transgender Cultural Sensitivity Training Program for City staff. Click here to read the initial report presented to the Arts, Entertainment, Parks and River Committee on November 29, 2017. Please contact jesus.d.orozco@lacity.org or call (213) 808-8668 if you would like more information.
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