Apartment Complex Concept Design

LAHD works with three City commissions and four advisory groups made up of community leaders who share their expertise and provide strategic policy recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on a variety of challenges that the City faces. We invite you to learn what each of the commissions do, who the commissioners are and how they are working to better serve residents. We also invite you to learn about the other advisory groups that provide advice, feedback, and guidance in the development of our policies, procedures, and programs. 

Rent Adjustment Commission

Responsible for adopting policies, rules and regulations to carry out the mandate of the Rent Stabilization Ordinance. Learn more and meet our six commissioners.

Affordable Housing Commission

Seven Commissioners appointed by the Mayor advises the city’s leadership around affordable housing issues. Learn more about our mission and meet our commissioners.

Mobile Home Park Taskforce

The Taskforce provide a specific forum which allows for discussion of issues in mobilehome parks. The members of the MHPTF are mobilehome owners, mobilehome park owners, and industry representatives appointed by the RAC. They provide advice and recommendations to the RAC on matters of concern related to mobile homes and manufactured housing.

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