Accessible Housing Program, Housing, Housing Programs|

Picture of AcHP compliance website

 The AcHP Compliance Website is a resource and compliance center for property owners, property managers, tenants, and applicants.
Property owners and managers must:

1.  Register their properties;

2. Sign up for mandatory training;

3. Access and download required policies and forms; and

4. View and manage their property information on the Accessible Housing Registry.

5. Participate in the City’s required external program reviews conducted by Abt Associates and its partners, E&A Team and Vital Research. For more information on these reviews, click here:  Accessible Housing Program (AcHP) Overview.

Tenants and Applicants may:

1.  Search for affordable accessible properties;

2. Be notified to submit pre-application online for new properties;

3. Track your applications status;

4. Access and download Tenant Handbook and Appendices; and

5. File a Grievance online.

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