City of Los Angeles
Prop HHH Progress Report

In November 2016, the voters of Los Angeles overwhelmingly voted in favor of Proposition HHH (Prop HHH, HHH), which provides funds for the development of supportive housing for homeless individuals and families throughout the city. The Prop HHH Supportive Housing Loan Program development proposals use both traditional and innovative financing and construction techniques on this particular type of housing. The program provides an average HHH loan commitment of $132,000 per unit (apartment); developers must combine HHH loans with other financial resources to pay for the total development costs. The dashboard below shows the progress made, the different stages of the housing development, the location, and financing details for each each housing development awarded HHH loans. For more information on HHH, visit:


For more information, please visit our HHH page at Supportive Housing Prop HHH

The following Graphical Panels are interactive. Click on the different categories to view details.

Read more about HHH by visiting Supportive Housing Prop HHH.

Attn: iOS users, for a better user experience, it is recommended to view this dashboard on Google Chrome.

Homeless individuals, or persons and families who are at significant risk of becoming homeless, please contact the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA), at (213) 225-6581, or visit LAHSA’s website for specific information about available city-funded programs.

Learn more about the City of Los Angeles Comprehensive Homeless Strategy.

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