The City of Los Angeles has aggressively sought proposals for the development of supportive housing for homeless individuals and those at risk of homelessness throughout the City. The Proposition HHH Supportive Housing Loan Program is funded by Proposition HHH (Prop HHH), approved by city voters in 2016.
To facilitate project and program proposals using both traditional and innovative financing and construction techniques, the City has released three (3) funding and/or City-owned property proposal opportunities seeking the best design and development ideas from the community.
First was a Request for Proposals for innovative design projects on a City-owned parcel using HHH Funding. Please click here for details.
Second was the (regular) 2018-19 Round 3 HHH Call for Projects, please click here for details.
And lastly was the HHH Housing Innovation Challenge Request for Proposals, please click here for details.
For details about new supportive housing, visit our HHH Progress dashboard.
If you are a homeless person seeking information on how to apply for Prop HHH housing, please visit https://www.lahsa.org/get-help, or visit our homeless persons webpage, http://housing.lacity.org/community-resources/Homeless-Persons (for additional information on the applicant selection process, visit the L.A. County Coordinated Entry System page).
For more information on how to apply for Prop HHH financing, visit our announcements page or access the NOFA online application. For questions about the Prop HHH SH Loan Program contact us at lahd.hhh.cfp@lacity.org.
We offer free language assistance services upon request if your primary language is not English. Please call (213) 808-8808 for language assistance services.
CAO Comprehensive Homeless Strategy
LAHD partners with the Office of the City Administrative Officer (CAO), which administers the coordinated City effort to address the City’s homelessness. Find the latest reports by the various homeless programs, including Prop HHH: Comprehensive Homeless Strategy.