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Upcoming Contracting Opportunity: Handyworker Program Request for Proposals (RFP)

A man, wearing a beige shirt, black pants, and black gloves, is leaning against a toilet and using a paint roller to apply white paint to a wall inside a residential restroom. With his right hand, he is holding a flashlight to apply light to the surface he is painting.

The Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD)’s Handyworker Program is preparing to release a Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit proposals from construction related professionals to provide the following services:
  • Handyworker Construction Services (licensed general contractors to provide minor home repairs and accessibility improvements); and/or
  • Laboratory Lead Testing.

Once released, interested parties may review the RFP and submit proposals for one or any combination of the services listed above.

If your organization is interested in receiving notification of the RFP’s release, notify LAHD of your interest at lahd.contractsprocurement@lacity.org.  Please include “Handyworker Program RFP – Interested Party” in the subject line of your email.
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