City of Los Angeles Assessment of Fair Housing

LAHD and the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA) are collaborating to update the City of Los Angeles’ 2023-2028 Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) Plan.  The AFH identifies the primary conditions that limit fair housing access in Los Angeles. The AFH recommends and prioritize actions to address limiting conditions in order to reduce segregation; eliminate racially and ethnically concentrated areas of poverty; reduce disparities in access to community assets and to reduce disproportionate levels of housing need for families with children, people with disabilities, and people of different races, ethnicities, and national origins.  In addition, the AFH outlines goals, milestones, and metrics for implementing actions to address fair housing issues in Los Angeles.

Visit the City’s Assessment of Fair Housing webpage to view meeting recordings and to learn more about other AFH project updates –
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