Policy & RA

Visit the City’s Council File Management System for the latest details: https://cityclerk.lacity.org/lacityclerkconnect/ Insert: Council File # – 17-0274 in the search box

Yes, here is the link to LAHD’s webpage: https://housing.lacity.org/affordable-housing-linkage-fee

The City must receive initial approval of AHLF expenditures each fiscal year from the Affordable Housing Linkage Fee Oversight Committee (AHLF OC) prior to requesting approval from the City Council and the Mayor. You can subscribe to receive agenda notices for the public meeting of the AHLF OC here: https://www.lacity.org/government/subscribe-agendasnotifications/subscribe-other-meeting-agendas/department-commissions-committees-boards
The Housing Element identifies Los Angeles’s housing needs and establishes clear goals and objectives to inform future housing decisions. State Law requires that the Housing Element is updated every eight years. The current Housing Element covers the period from 2013-2021; the update will cover 2021-2029. To meet state requirements, the Housing Element Update must be adopted by the City Council prior to October 1, 2021. To access the previous Housing Element, click here https://planning.lacity.org/plans-policies/housing-element

The Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) is a required part of the housing element update process that is used to quantify the housing needs for each jurisdiction in California.

During the 5th Cycle Housing Element (2013-2021), the City had a RHNA Goal of permitting 82,002 new units by October, 2021. This is broken down by income categories, into 46,590 affordable units and 35,412 above moderate-income (market-rate) units. In the 6th Cycle (2021-2029), the City’s estimated RHNA allocation is over 460,000 total units, including over 260,000 affordable units.

You can find information about the City’s Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) Plan and process by visiting LAHD’s AFH webpage: https://housing.lacity.org/assessment-fair-housing

The Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Program is a competitive state funding program that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by funding compact affordable housing in conjunction with sustainable transportation improvements. It provides funding for affordable housing development and related infrastructure, as well as transportation-related amenities, and programs that encourage residents to walk, bike and use transit. Funded by auction proceeds from California’s Cap-and-Trade program, AHSC helps create holistic communities with affordable housing and transportation options near jobs and other key destinations. AHSC is administered by the Strategic Growth Council (SGC) and implemented by the California Department of Housing and Community Development.
“With the extension of Cap-and-Trade through 2030, the AHSC Program will continue to receive a 20 percent appropriation of Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funds. Since launching in 2015, AHSC has invested over $695 million in affordable housing and sustainable transportation improvements across the state. Overall, this has led to a reduction of 1.5 million tons of CO2e, which is equivalent of 320,000 fewer cars on the road. ”
“Eligible applicant entities include any of the following: A locality, public housing authority, redevelopment successor agency, transit agency or transit operator, Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA), local Transportation Commissions, Congestion Management Agencies, Joint Powers Authority (JPA), school district, facilities district, university or community college district A developer or program operator A Federally Recognized Indian Tribe If a public agency has a financial or real property interest in the proposed project, the application must either include the public agency as a co-applicant or otherwise include a commitment to enter into a contractual agreement to develop the project, if it is awarded. ”
As of January, 2020, there have been 4 Rounds of AHSC funding: 1st Round of Funding was in Fiscal Year 2014-2015, 2nd Round was in Fiscal Year 2015-2016, 3rd Round of AHSC was in Fiscal Year 2016-2017, 4th Round was in Fiscal Year 2017-2018 and 5th Round was in Fiscal Year 2018-2019. 6th Round is expected to take place in Fiscal Year 2019-2020. (State of California Fiscal Year 19-20 will run from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020).
“August – the Strategic Growth Council Releases draft program guidelines September – SSGC holds stakeholder Meetings/Comments on Draft Guidelines October – SGC releases new Round Application February – Full Application is Due June – Awards are Adopted ”
To date, Los Angeles has been awarded nearly $200 million in funding for housing projects and related transportation improvements, providing funding to help create over 2,218 affordable units for individuals and families in need.
“AHSC Round 4 FY 17-18: Hollywood Arts Collective, Manchester Urban Homes, Weingart Tower and Skidrow Transportation Safety Project, Vermont Manchester Transit Priority Project and Jordan Downs Phase S3 & Watts Pedestrian Bike District. AHSC Round 3 FY 16-17: Elden Elms and PATH Villas Hollywood. AHSC Round 2 FY 15-16: 7th & Witmer, PATH Ventures Villas Phase 2 Rolland Curtis West, Six Four Nine Lofts, Sun Valley Senior Veterans Apartments and MDC Jordan Downs. AHSC Round 1 FY 14-15: 127th Street Apartments, Crenshaw Villas, El Segundo Family Apartments, MacArthur Park Apartments, Mosaic Gardens at Westlake, Rolland Curtis East, Sylmar Court Apartments, Cielito Lindo Apartments and Jordan Downs. ”

“As a co-applicant, Housing Department (LAHD) works collaboratively with the applicant to develop competitive applications and serves as the lead department for the City’s AHSC application process. LAHD coordinates with other city departments including the Department of Transportation, Bureau of Engineering, Department of City Planning, Bureau of Street Lighting, Bureau of Street Services, and Economic and Workforce Development Department. LAHD also works closely with the appropriate Council District Offices, LA Metro, and our technical assistance service provider.
Since AHSC Round 3, the City of Los Angeles has been responsible for the design, construction, and completion of all transportation-related improvements. The City of Los Angeles therefore receives the transportation-related grants, while the developer receives the housing related loans and/or grants.

The Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) is funded by SB 2 – Building Homes and Jobs Act – which is the first permanent source of state funding dedicated to helping local governments increase housing production. The City will begin drafting an expenditure plan in March 2020.
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