Rental Property Owners, Owning or managing rental housing, Resources for all rental properties|

Situations that require the property owner to regain the use of the rental unit as the result of a personal or business decision and not the fault of the tenant may be cause for eviction. All no-fault evictions must be filed with LAHD, submit required fees, and pay the tenant relocation assistance. Declaration of Intent to Evict forms are required for all no-fault reasons and can be found below by clicking on each “No-fault” reason below:

1.      Wants the rental unit for his own use or a family member.

2.      Wants the rental unit for the use of a resident manager.

3.      Wants to demolish or permanently remove (Ellis Act) the unit from rental housing use.

4.      Has been ordered to vacate the unit or building by a governmental agency, as the result of a legal violation.

5.      Is the Federal Government and it wants to sell the property the rental unit is on.

6.       Owns a Residential Hotel and wants to demolish or convert the building to another use.

7.      Wants to convert or build Affordable Housing Accommodations requiring a government-imposed regulatory agreement.

A landlord cannot evict a tenant in order to sell the property, unless the property is owned by the Federal Government (see #5 above).

Units Covered Under the Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) – No Fault Legal Reasons for Eviction

Units Covered Under the Just Cause Ordinance (JCO) – No Fault Legal Reasons for Eviction

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