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The Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO)  & Just Cause Ordinance (JCO) allows a landlord to recover possession of a unit to convert the subject property to an affordable housing accommodation in accordance with an Affordable Housing Exemption issued by the LAHD.

 Who Can Apply

Per the LAMC, a landlord may seek to recover possession of a rental unit by complying with the filing requirements under the LAMC.  The landlord must have an approved Affordable Housing Accommodation Exemption issued by LAHD.  The owner must have a recorded regulatory agreement or one will be recorded within six months of the filing of the Affordable Housing Accommodation.

What You Must Do

  1. Submit Exemption Application to Convert to Affordable Housing to LAHD. 
  2. Submit your Notice of Intent to Evict to Convert to an Affordable Housing Accommodation form to LAHD.
  3. Provide the tenants with the Affordable Housing Accommodation Notice to Landlord of Interest in Renewing Tenancy form.
  4. Once the units have been approved for exemption file the Conditional Exemption form to be approved for an exemption from the billing fees.

If the landlord fails to record the regulatory agreement within the six months of the original filing of the filing of the Affordable Housing Accommodation and the landlord seeks to offer the rental units for rent or lease, the accommodations shall be offered to the displaced tenant.  The accommodations shall be offered and rented or leased at the lawful rent in effect at the time the affordable housing exemption was filed with the Department, plus annual adjustments.

The landlord shall first offer the unit to the tenant(s) displaced from the unit, provided that the tenants advised the landlord in writing within 30 days of displacement of their desire to consider an offer to renew tenancy and provided an address to which offer may be directed.

The landlord who re-offers the rental unit pursuant to these provision must:

  • Deposit the offer in the United States mail, by registered or certified mail with postage pre-paid.

  • Offer shall be addressed to the displaced tenant(s)  at the addressed furnished

  • The terms of the offer must be described.

    The tenant has 30 days from the deposit of the offer in the mail to accept the offer by personal delivery of the acceptance or deposit the acceptance in the United States mail by registered or certified mail with postage pre-paid.

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