
We are the one-stop shop for resources on how to find affordable housing, special programs such as Handyworker Program and FamilySource Centers with locations throughout LA that provide various social services for you and your family. We invite you to look through our programs and services that cater to your needs. If you don’t find what you need, please contact us by calling our toll-free hotline at (866) 557-7368 or visit one of our public counters located throughout LA.

FamilySource Centers

FamilySource Centers (FSC) are located in high-need areas of the City and provide a continuum of core services designed to assist low-income families become self-sufficient by increasing family income and academic achievement for youth and adults. 

File a complaint / Eviction Assistance

If you believe your landlord is violating your rights as a tenant, you can file a complaint. You may file a complaint if you believe your landlord has violated the city’s code on health and safety, or violated Fair Housing laws. Learn more about the types of complaints and how to file them. 

Services for Low-income Seniors

We offer many services for people living with HIV/AIDS, the elderly and homeless populations, and persons with disabilities. We invite you to look through our programs and services that cater to your needs. If you don’t find what you need, please call our toll-free hotline at (866) 557-RENT (7368) or visit one of our public counters located throughout LA.

Search For Housing

Are you looking for affordable or accessible housing? 

Is my unit subject to rent control?

Nearly 60% of all Los Angeles residents live in rental housing. We offer services and resources to this renter population to ensure their rights are protected, they are living under safe conditions and they know where they should go for help.

Are you experiencing housing discrimination?

It is against the law to discriminate based on race, color, sex, religion and many other categories based on the Fair Housing Law. Learn more about the law and what you can do if you believe you have been discriminated against.

Are you suffering from abuse at home?

If your partner is physically violent and/or verbally or emotionally abusive, we are here to help you. Call the multilingual 24-hour hotline today at (800) 799-7233.

Is your home safe from lead-based paint?

The Lead Hazard Remediation Program (LHRP) provides grants to property owners to make their properties lead-safe and to eliminate health and safety hazards. The LHRP grants are primarily targeted to low-income families with children under the age of six.

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