Residents, Renters|

Are you experiencing housing discrimination?

Federal, State, and Local laws prohibit housing discrimination based on the categories listed below. The laws cover housing for rent or sale, advertising, lending, insurance, steering, redlining and hate crimes. Remedies for illegal discrimination include injunctive relief, monetary damages, and penalties. In California, virtually every unit of housing for rent or sale is covered under the fair housing laws.
Race Color Sex National Origin Ancestry Mental Disability Physical Disability (HIV & AIDS included) Familial Status (Children) Marital Status Age Sexual Orientation Source of Income Student Status Arbitrary Reasons
The Los Angeles Housing + Community Investment Department administers a contract with the Southern California Housing Rights Center (HRC) to provide a citywide fair housing program. The HRC provides the following services:
  • Investigations of housing discrimination complaints concerning housing for rent or sale, advertising, lending, insurance, steering, blockbusting and hate crimes
  • Remedies for valid complaints, including conciliations, legal action and administrative referrals to state and federal fair housing agencies
  • Multilingual counseling on fair housing and predatory lending issues
  • Multilingual property owner, manager and realtor training sessions
  • Educational seminars, workshops and presentations on fair housing

What to do:

  • Report suspected discrimination immediately!
  • Keep a record of any meetings and phone calls with the landlord, property manager, real estate agent, loan officer, or insurance agent. Include the person’s name, title (if you know it), the meeting place, date, and time.
  • Make notes on what happened and what was said. Save all receipts, applications, business cards, or other documents received during your meeting(s), and any advertisements.
To make a complaint or obtain more information: Services are available over the telephone, through the Internet and at two walk-in locations throughout the City. Telephone: Toll-free Hotline: 1-800-477-5977 Internet: Walk-in locations:
  1. Southern California Housing Rights Center – Los Angeles Office 3255 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1150 Los Angeles 90012
  2. Southern California Housing Rights Center – Westside Area (The 2nd Tuesday of each month, from 10 to 12 p.m.) 1645 Corinth Ave., Room 104 Los Angeles 90025          
Fair Housing Informational Brochures: Some of the brochures listed below are available in Spanish, Korean, Russian, Farsi, Khmer and Mandarin Chinese. “Landlords and Fair Housing” and “What is Fair Housing?” are available in Cambodian and Farsi. If you know someone who needs a brochure in any of these languages, please send a request via e-mail or by phone at 1-800-477-5977.
  • Housing Rights Center Services – English & Spanish (.pdf)
  • Familial Status Discrimination (.pdf)
  • Predatory Lending (.pdf) 
  • Housing Rights for People with Disabilities (.pdf)
  • Landlords and Fair Housing (.pdf)
  • Sexual Harassment (.pdf)
  • Sexual Orientation Discrimination (.pdf)
  • What is Fair Housing? (.pdf)
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