Community Resources, Commissions & Advisory Boards|

The Affordable Housing Commission (AHC) consists of seven members, appointed by the Mayor, who advise the City’s leadership on Affordable Housing issues. The Commission makes policy recommendations to address the City’s housing
needs, including creating housing opportunities; reviewing government plans and budgets to ensure conformance with City Housing policy; and encouraging cross-sector partnerships to promote the development and preservation of affordable housing.

Meet our Commissioners

We invite you to meet our commissioners and learn how they’re working to preserve and increase affordable housing
opportunities in Los Angeles. The Affordable Housing Commission meets on the third Wednesday of every other
month at the Los Angeles City Hall, 10th Floor.

Meeting Agenda and Minutes

The Affordable Housing Commission invites you to attend our public meetings. Please join us on the third Wednesday of each odd numbered month at 11:30 a.m. at City Hall, 200 N. Spring Street, 10th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90012. Meeting agendas are posted one week in advance of the meeting date. If you would like to join our email group and receive a copy of the current meeting agenda please subscribe here. Click here to review the agendas and for the approved minutes please click here.  Click here to view the meeting documents

If you have questions regarding a Commission meeting, please contact us via email at Housing Department staff will respond in a timely manner.

Get Involved & Learn More

If you would like to address the Commission regarding an agenda item, or if you would like to submit a public
comment, you can do so by clicking here and selecting “Affordable Housing Commission”

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