Housing, Housing Programs|

Accessible Rental Housing

The Accessible Housing Program (AcHP) ensures that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to rent, use, and enjoy affordable housing that has received financial or other assistance from the City of Los Angeles (City) or the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Los Angeles (CRA/LA).

General Information

Information about Accessible Housing Laws and Regulations

Overview of the Settlement Agreement and Voluntary Compliance Agreement.

Covered Housing Developments

View the list of the 730+ affordable housing developments covered under the AcHP.

Accessible Housing Policies

What is Reasonable Accommodation?

Effective Communication

Grievance Policy and Process

AcHP Property Compliance

AcHP Website

Training and Education

Required Rental Policies and Forms

Retrofit Program

What is Accessible Rental Housing?

Accessible Rental Housing Overview

How Do I Find Accessible Rental Housing?

AcHP Accessible Housing Registry is available.

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