Thank you for partnering with us. Your commitment and support are critical in ensuring we meet the housing needs of LA residents and improve their quality of life. We invite you to browse through our pages to see what kind of resources we are offering. We hope you will be able to find what you need quickly and efficiently.

Notice to the Housing Department Industry Professionals

If you are compensated to interact with the Housing Department, City law may require you to register as a lobbyist and report your activity. Any individual may qualify as a lobbyist, regardless of occupation, education, training, or professional title. A lobbyist may hold a position that includes but is not limited to attorney, CEO, consultant, government liaison, business owner, permit applicant, engineer, expediter, land developer, financier, various real estate professional, and others.

More information is available online through the Ethics Commission’s lobbying program and publication pages. For assistance, please contact the Ethics Commission.


Find notices of funding availability, request for proposals and how to comply with rules and regulations around relocation and housing bond financing. Learn more to apply online and check eligibility.


Partner with us on on housing projects through our New Generation Fund or other initiatives. Find more opportunities to work with us.

Service Providers (Contractors / Vendors / CBOs)

See a list of all our requests for proposal and requests for quotation, application guidelines and how to apply. Find more opportunities to work with us.

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