
We are proud to be partnering with a dedicated group of housing developers to expand affordable housing opportunities and improve quality of life for LA residents. It is through these cross-sector collaborations that we are able to reach and impact the city’s most underserved communities.
Find notices of funding availability, request for proposals and how to comply with rules and regulations around relocation and housing bond financing.


Notice to the Housing Department Industry Professionals

If you are compensated to interact with the Los Angeles Housing Department, City law may require you to register as a lobbyist and report your activity. Any individual may qualify as a lobbyist, regardless of occupation, education, training, or professional title. A lobbyist may hold a position that includes but is not limited to attorney, CEO, consultant, government liaison, business owner, permit applicant, engineer, expediter, land developer, financier, various real estate professional, and others.

More information is available online through the Ethics Commission’s lobbying program and publication pages. For assistance, please contact the Ethics Commission.


View all Affordable Housing Managed Pipeline, HHH, RFP, contracts and other announcements.

Funding Programs

Look through our announcements related to the Prop HHH Supportive Housing Loan Program and the Affordable Housing Managed Pipeline.

Developer Resources

Find resources for developers here.

New Initiatives

Learn more about the New Initiatives created for the preservation of affordable housing.

Comply with federal and LAHD regulations

Look through our list to ensure you are compliant with federal and LAHD regulations.

Land Development

The Land Development Unit makes land assets available for affordable housing development through a Request for Qualifications/Proposals (RFQ/P) to select qualified developers to develop and build affordable housing on vacant land.

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