Partners, Developers|

If you plan to build additional affordable housing units with federal or City subsidies, then your project must be in accordance with all applicable regulations. The Department is responsible for regulatory oversight of all subsidized projects and must verify the minimum legal requirements for each project.

Learn about the fundamental federal and LAHD regulations that may apply to your project. We are available to answer your questions and provide the necessary tools to ensure your project remains in compliance with all applicable regulations. Look for additional contact information within each regulatory topic below.


Environmental requirements

Learn about environmental clearance for a development project.

Accessibility compliance requirements

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, all projects must comply with the applicable …

Architectural design review

Learn about LAHD design requirements and project submission procedures.

Tenant management and occupancy monitoring

Stay informed with our occupancy monitoring resources here.

Prevailing Wages

LAHD-funded affordable housing projects must comply with state and federal prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements.


LAHD-funded affordable housing projects must comply with local, state and federal relocation and acquisition requirements, as applicable. 

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