The City of Los Angeles is eager to collaborate our efforts with you to reduce blight in our communities. The Foreclosure Registry was enacted in 2010 to establish a residential property registration program as a mechanism to protect residential neighborhoods, including abandoned properties, from blight through the lack of adequate maintenance and security as a result of the foreclosure crisis (Ordinance No. 181185).
The Ordinance was amended on December 20, 2014 to include a proactive inspection fee, to be conducted by the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety, and a monthly requirement for the Beneficiary/Trustee to inspect and report back on the condition of the property. (Ordinance No. 183281).
The Ordinance was amended a second time on October 24, 2022 to include: (1) a governmental lender exemption policy for entities such as HUD, CalHFA, Fannie Mae, and other governmental entities with their own property preservation programs, (2) an exemption for lenders/beneficiaries or foreclosed property owners who are also natural persons, and (3) definitions, minor clarifications, and other technical adjustments to the current City Ordinance. (Ordinance No 187627).
City of LA Foreclosure Registry: https://housingbill.lacity.org/Foreclosure/Public/Login.aspx
- Any Lender (or beneficiary or trustee who holds or has an interest in a deed of trust), who issued a Notice of Default on a residential property located within the City of Los Angeles.
- Any Owner of a Foreclosed Property (REO)
- Within 30 days from the recording of the Notice of Default.
- Annual re-registration is due by January 31st of each calendar year.
- Annual registration is required until property is no longer subject to the Ordinance.
- Registration must be completed online.
- $155 registration fee is due at time of registration.
- (2023 version Coming Soon)
- To de-register property from the Foreclosure Registry Program, one of the following must be met:
- A Notice of Rescission/Loan Modification recorded with the County Recorders.
- Property sold to a third party and recorded with the County Recorder’s Office.
- A Full Reconveyance recorded with the County Recorders Office.
- De-Registration must be conducted online.
- The Beneficiary/Trustee is required to conduct a property inspection monthly and report online to HCIDLA Foreclosure Registry.
- A minimum of one photograph must be uploaded and submitted to complete the monthly inspection report.
A proactive inspection fee in the amount of $356 is due upon the change in status of property from Notice of Default to Foreclosed (REO). This fee applies to the following types of properties:
- Single-family residential properties.
- Vacant multi-family residential properties.
- If HCIDLA determines that a lender has failed to register the property, failed to make a payment of any fees, including registration and proactive inspection fees, failed to comply with the monthly inspection and reporting requirements, HCIDLA will issue a Thirty (30) Day Notice of Non-Compliance (NNC).
- If the lender fails to comply with the registration requirements within thirty (30) days of HCIDLA’s Notice, the lender shall be issued a penalty in the amount of $250.00 per day for each day subsequent to the expiration date of the Notice.
The ordinance requires a Trespass Arrest Authorization to be filed on all vacant properties upon request. Please fill out Trespass Authorization Form and file with your local law enforcement office.
Pursuant to Ordinance No. 181184 Sec. 98.0716 a Statement of Intent is required when a structure meets the definition of a Vacant Structure as provided in Division 7 (Sec. 98.0701). Please fill out Statement of Intent Form and file with the Department of Building & Safety.
Foreclosure does not change the status of properties that are subject to the Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) and Housing Code programs.
Owners of rental properties have responsibilities under the RSO and the Housing Code, including the payment of fees. For additional information, please check Billing Information.
New property owners have 45 days to register rental property and file temporary exemptions using the Registration/Exemption Application Form.