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notice, comply, order

Understanding Orders

Understanding the order issued by the Housing Department (LAHD) is key to achieving compliance. When general maintenance and repair types of violations are observed during an inspection, the inspector issues a Notice and Order to Comply (NTC), however, when violation that renders a property substandard are observed, a Notice and Order of Abatement/Notice of Substandard Conditions (NSC) is issued. One of the main difference between an NTC and NSC is that the NTC is issued based on the Los Angeles Municipal Code and the NSC is issued based on California State Housing Law. Regardless of whether an NTC or NSC is issued, both orders are similar in format. You should read the order in its entirety.

The orders are divided into parts to provide better understanding, however, if you have any question regarding the order you have received from LAHD, call the inspector at the phone number listed on the order.

PART I: General Information

This is the first page of the order. It contains important information including the date order was issued, case number, property address and Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN), compliance date, re-inspection date and time, name of the inspector and a phone number for you to call if you have any questions. Owners should carefully note the  re-inspection date and time. The inspector will arrive during the two hour time frame indicated on the order. Length of the inspection varies per property.

PART II: Cited Violations

This part generally starts at page two of the order. Cited violations are listed based on the category of the violations. For example all fire safety violations are grouped together. The violation includes: a brief statement as to what is being cited, the code section, violation severity level if any, location of violation and inspector’s note (if provided by inspector).

PART III: Required or Important Information/Warnings

LAHD is required by statutory laws and ordinances to provide certain required information or warnings. Read all information/warnings. Some warnings may not be applicable to you.

PART IV: Inspection Report

The Inspection report lists all cited violations based on the violation severity level. Property owners should pay close attention to columns marked “Inspector’s Note” and “Permits”. If the permit column indicates “Required,” you must contact the City of Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) to obtain a final permit. Click here to access LADBS website.

PART V: Severity Level Basis

The severity level basis provides a brief explanation as to why each severity level was assigned to its respective violation. The severity level and severity level basis fields are intended to inform the owner of the relative severity of the violations cited at a property.

Other Orders

Based on the nature of the violation, LAHD also issues Two-Day orders to repair and Stop-Work orders.

Two-Day Orders to Repair

A two-day order to repair is issued when inspection reveals deficiencies which constitute a present, imminent, extreme, and immediate hazard or danger to life or limb, health or safety. Click here to learn more about a two-day order to repair.

Stop-Work Order

Whenever any construction work is being done contrary to the provisions of any law or ordinance enforced by the department, the department has the authority to issue a written notice to the responsible party to stop work

Compliance with the order

A property owner has complied with the order when an inspector from LAHD has verified the abatement of the cited violations in conformity with code requirements.


To appeal the order, kindly contact Senior Inspector assigned to your case. To find out the assigned Senior Inspector, please call the number provided on the order. Click here if you are appealing cited zoning code violations; otherwise, click here to download the appeal form to appeal an order.

What happens if you do not comply with the order?

Generally LAHD provides 30 days to comply with the order (NTC/NSC). In some cases an inspector may grant an extension of time. However, if the violation has not been corrected by the compliance period specified on the order or any extension thereafter, the case is forwarded for enforcement. During enforcement, a General Manager’s hearing is scheduled. The Hearing Officer may refer the property for inclusion into the Rent Escrow Account Program and/or refer the owner to the City Attorney’s Office for prosecution.

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