


HCIDLA is pleased to announce the release of the 2017-2018 HHH Call for Projects (CFP) Round 2, effective February 5, 2018 to March 5, 2018 at 11:59 PM (PDT). Applicants may access HCIDLA’s online application at  Applications received after the close of the application period, at the discretion of HCIDLA, may be rejected without further consideration. 

You can visit our HCIDLA Library to view the 2017 Proposition HHH SHLP Regulations and other relevant materials approved by the City Council and Mayor.  We’ll also continue to post responses to CFP Frequently Asked Questions in the HCIDLA Library.  All questions related to the Proposition HHH Regulations may be submitted to

The Proposition HHH Program Regulations require projects to be financially structured using tax-exempt bonds and 4% tax credits.  Projects proposing a financing structure utilizing the 9% tax credit scenario would first need to apply to the HCIDLA Managed Pipeline and be accepted pursuant to the Pipeline Regulations.  The Proposition HHH Regulations also allow “alternative financing structures” to be submitted, with other proposals reviewed and analyzed on a project-by-project basis. Since the passage of Proposition HHH, various ideas for SH housing have been informally proffered, e.g. hotel/motel conversion, housing built from shipping containers, and tiny/micro home units. HCIDLA acknowledges the need to encourage innovative ideas and therefore will allow the submission of non-traditional financing models of housing.  However, HCIDLA will still continue to require the City’s established policies for affordable housing construction, including wage compliance, relocation, environmental review, fair housing and federal accessibility requirements. 

We look forward to your applications.  Together, we can help provide EVERYONE in LA with a place to call home.  

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