We are here to serve you and always strive to improve our services so you can get what you need when you need it. Here are the many ways you can contact us for any questions you may have or help you may need. Contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you.


If you would like to speak with a live person, please call the  toll-free hotline. If you are using TTY, please call the TTY number below.

    • Toll-free: 866-557-7368
    • Hours: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
    • Days: Monday – Friday
    • TTY: If TTY is needed, please use Telecommunication Relay Services (TRS) or dial 711.

Ask Housing Online

You can also send your questions or file a complaint anytime online.

Public Counters

We invite you to visit us at one of our five public counters located throughout Los Angeles. Please be sure to check business hours for each office as they may vary. 

FamilySource Centers

FamilySource Centers are one-stop shops that provide helpful information and resources for your family and work to meet your needs including after-school activities, counseling and recreational activities, to name a few. Find your nearest center today and visit us!


Sunset Office:
1910 Sunset Blvd Ste 300,
Los Angeles, CA 90026


Get involved and learn more about housing issues that matter to you and your community.

California Public Records Act (CPRA)

The Custodian of Records group coordinates the retrieval and production of documents in response to subpoenas and California Public Records Act (CPRA) or Freedom of Information Act requests received by the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD).

Language Assistance

You have the right to receive all LAHD information and help in your language for free. Call (213) 808-8808 or email lahd.lac@lacity.org
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