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COVID-19 Pandemic TCO & Occupancy Verification Procedures

The following are the interim Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) Verification Procedures being implemented by the Accessible Housing Program (AcHP) during the COVID-19 Pandemic. These procedures shall be applicable to all Housing Developments in construction, as of August 2, 2019: 

  1. underwent new construction, has five or more Units, and either (a) received Federal financial assistance from or through the City or (b) was designed, constructed, administered, or financed, in whole or in part, in connection with a program administered in whole or in part by the City; or
  2. was subject to Substantial Alterations within the meaning of 24 C.F.R. § 8.23(a) and has 15 or more Units. This policy is subject to changes.

Prior to issuance of TCO:

LAHD AcHP clearance verification has been added to LA Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) to ensure that the following steps are completed Prior to LADBS issuance of TCO: 

  1. AcHP Retrofit staff will conduct a pre-TCO inspection of all the adaptable, mobility and hearing/vision units and public and common use areas in a building to ensure compliance with all applicable federal Accessibility Standards.  
  2. The Retrofit Unit will develop a punch list of any deficiencies that must be completed by the developer/owner.  
  3. AcHP will issue the punch list deficiency report to developer/owner and the City’s Neutral Accessibility Expert (NAC) within one week of the pre-TCO inspection.  
  4. Upon written notification there are no major deficiencies in the units, developer/owner may proceed to request a TCO from LADBS; however, the developer/owner must correct the items on the punch list no later than three (3) months after issuance of the TCO.  
  5. AcHP Policy staff will require the developer/owner to provide tenants with written notice.  If a tenant’s unit requires any work, the developer/owner will coordinate with the tenant to ensure minimal disruption and reasonable accommodations provided.

Prior to Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy (CofO) 

LAHD AcHP clearance verification has been added to LA Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) to ensure the following steps is completed by the developer/owner in order for LADBS to issue a CofO:

  1. Developer/owner must correct all items identified on AcHP’s punch list deficiency report no later than three (3) months after issuance of the TCO.  
  2. Developer/owner must notify AcHP once it has completed all punch list items. 
  3. NAC conducts a post-TCO survey of the development for compliance with applicable federal Accessibility Standards and provides an accessibility report to the developer/owner and to AcHP.   
  4. If there are no accessibility deficiencies, Verification of Compliance by the NAC and Certification of Compliance by the City will be provided to the developer/owner.  
  5. If there are accessibility deficiencies, the developer/owner must correct all accessibility deficiencies, within one (1) month of the date of receipt of NAC’s accessibility report.  
  6. Developer/owner must inform AcHP and NAC when it has completed corrections of all accessibility deficiencies. 
  7. NAC will re-survey the items to ensure compliance with the applicable federal Accessibility Standards.  
  8. If there are no accessibility deficiencies, Verification of Compliance by the NAC and Certification of Compliance by the City will be provided to the developer/owner.  
  9. Developer/owner must present the Verification of Compliance by the NAC and Certification of Compliance by the City to LADBS in order to obtain a CofO.  The developer/owner must meet all other LAHD requirements necessary to obtain a CofO.  
  10. Verification of Compliance by the NAC, Certification of Compliance by the City, and issuance of the CofO by LADBS are required prior to LAHD release of the ten percent (10%) construction retention funds.

Please refer to LAHD AcHP Interim TCO-Occupancy Verification Procedures for the complete steps and procedures.

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