Training sessions on Fair Housing Related to Individuals With Disabilities, Policies & Procedures Workshop for Property Owners and Managers of City-Assisted Affordable Housing are currently being provided by Accessible Housing Program (AcHP). This training is mandatory for property owners, regional/compliance officers, grievance coordinators, accessibility coordinators, and property managers. The property management personnel are required to attend the training on an annual basis.
Please create an account before registering for a training. If you already have an account with AcHP website, please login to your account and click the TRAINING button to sign up for an upcoming training session.
You must associate yourself to each Covered Housing Development that you represent. There is no limit to the number of properties to which you can associate. Training attendees who do not associate themselves with the property they represent will not receive credit towards compliance until the association is completed.
Course Name: | Fair Housing Related to Individuals With Disabilities, Policies & Procedures Workshop for Property Owners and Managers of City-Assisted Affordable Housing (Webinar) | Training Status: | Open |
Training Location: | Webinar | Schedule Date: | 10/14/2020 & 10/28/2020 9:00 AM |
Start Enroll Date: | 09/09/2020 | End Enroll Date: | 10/27/2020 |
Duration(Hours): | 7 | Capacity: | 500 |