The Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) allows a landlord to recover possession of a unit to undertake Primary Renovation Work of the rental unit, or building with an accepted Tenant Habitability Plan (THP) where the tenant is unreasonably interfering with the landlord’s ability to implement the requirements and refusing to adhere with the relocation requirements accepted under the THP.

Who Can Apply

Per Sections of 151.09 A.9 of the LAMC, a landlord may recover possession of a rental unit after having complied with all applicable notices and advisements required by law and the tenant is  unreasonably interfering with the landlord’s ability to implement the requirements of the THP.

What You Must Do

  • Submit a copy of the accepted Tenant Habitability Plan.

  • Satisfy and provide proof of tenant notifications and advisement requirements under the THP Program.

  • Provide proof that the tenant is unreasonably interfering with the landlord’s ability to implement the requirements of the THP by failing to comply with one of the following:

    • The tenant has failed to temporarily relocate as required by the THP; or

    • The tenant has failed to honor the permanent relocation agreement with the landlord as per LAMC 152.05.

  • Serve the tenant a 3 day notice in accordance with State Law after the Department has processed the Declaration.

Case must be resolved in a court proceeding.

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