The City of Los Angeles will be coordinating the application process for the upcoming round of the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Program. If you are interested in partnering with the City of Los Angeles, please register your project with us by August 17th.

Register for our AHSC Round 4 Call for Projects here

The AHSC Program is a competitive state funding program that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by funding compact affordable housing in conjunction with sustainable transportation improvements. It provides funding for affordable housing development and related infrastructure, as well as transportation-related amenities and programs that encourage residents to walk, bike and use transit.

To date, Los Angeles has been awarded over $118 million in funding for housing projects and related transportation improvements, providing funding to help create over 1,400 affordable units for individuals and families in need.

We will also be hosting an AHSC Round 4: Developer Kick-off on August 7, 2018.  Join us for a discussion on the upcoming round of the AHSC Program and find out how the City of Los Angeles can support your application. Hear from the Strategic Growth Council and different City departments on how the City’s AHSC application process works and strategies that make for a competitive project.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Ron F. Deaton Civic Auditorium
100 W 1st Street
Los Angeles


For more information about the AHSC Program and its impact in Los Angeles, visit

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