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street view of the top of apartment buildings
The front of a multi-family housing apartment building

We hope you were able to find what you needed today. If not, here are the frequently asked questions (FAQ) and answers for you.

1. How do I know if my apartment is rent controlled?

Your apartment is rent controlled if you rent your apartment and your apartment’s certificate of occupancy (usually displayed in a public place like your lobby area) was issued on or before October 1, 1978. Since 2007, certain replacement units built after 2006 are also rent controlled. This is based on the city’s Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO), which regulates rent increases and evictions. Learn more here

2. How do I know if my apartment is meeting health and safety standards?

All rental apartments must meet standards of safety and health to ensure the conditions are livable for renters. We regularly conduct inspections of rental units and notify the landlord if anything is found to fall short of our standards, which the landlord must address within a given time period. If the issue is not repaired or maintained in time, there may be fines and in some cases, the landlords may not be able to get full rent for their properties or restrict the refinancing or sale of the property.Learn more here

3. Can the rent be increased on an RSO unit?

Rent increases are currently prohibited for rental units subject to the City of Los Angeles Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) until 1 year after the expiration of the City’s Emergency Declaration Period. The Local Emergency is ongoing until it is ended by action of the City Council.  To find out if your unit is subject to the RSO, click HERE (zimas.lacity.org). Enter your address and below the Housing tab, under RSO it will indicate if the property is subject.

4. How can I file a complaint about my landlord?

There are three types of complaints you can file: one for violation of rent-control regulations known as the Rent Stabilization Ordinance; another for violation of safety and health standards known as Code Enforcement and lastly, if you believe you have been discriminated against based on race, color, sex, religion and many other categories under Fair Housing Laws. We also conduct regular inspections of rental properties to ensure the buildings are safe for residents. You may file a complaint here.

5. Can my landlord evict me for no reason?

No. Your landlord cannot evict a renter for no reason. There are two types of evictions: one in which the renter is at fault and another in which the renter is not at fault. A renter can be legally evicted if they don’t pay rent, violate the lease, is a nuisance, used the apartment for illegal purposes such as drugs and gang activity. A renter cannot be evicted if it is to house the owner/manager in the renter’s apartment, if landlord demolishes the apartment or removes it from rental use, if it results from a government order, federal government foreclosure or conversion to affordable housing. Learn more about at fault and no fault evictions here.

6. How do I know if I’m eligible for affordable housing?

You may qualify for affordable rental units depending on household income and size. Other units may only be available for special needs populations. We also offer financial assistance to low-income homebuyers. Contact us to speak to a live person who can help you with your searchPlease note we do not directly build or manage affordable housing. We help to fund affordable housing and the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles oversees public housing developments and the Section 8 program.

7. Where can I go for help if I’m suffering from abuse at home?

If your partner is physically violent and/or verbally or emotionally abusive, we are here to help.

If you are in immediate danger, CALL 911 and leave as soon as possible.

If you or someone you know has been abused or threatened with abuse by an intimate partner, call the confidential, multilingual 24-hour National  Domestic Violence Hotline for help today at 1 (800) 799-SAFE(7233), TTY: 1 (800) 787-3224

8. How do I know if I’m eligible for social services?

You can call our 24-hour, toll-free hotline at (866) 557-RENT (7368) to ask a live person about available services and your eligibility. If you are using a TDD, please call (213) 473-5990. You may also visit us at our public counters or FamilySource Centers located throughout Los Angeles.

9. Do you provide services for special needs populations like the elderly or people living with HIV/AIDS?

We provide services for special needs populations including the elderly, the disabled and people living with HIV/AIDS. Programs include the Handyworker program where we go to eligible homeowners’ homes to make minor repairs; and our affordable housing program. Learn more about our programs for this population here.

10. Where can I learn about Request for Proposals (RFPs) and Request for Qualifications (RFQs) so I can apply?

You can find out about our most recent partnering opportunities here.

11. How can I talk to a live person if I have questions?

To speak with a live person, please call our toll-free hotline at (866) 557-RENT (7368). If you are using a TDD, please call (213) 473-5990. You may also visit us at our Public Counters or FamilySource Centers located throughout Los Angeles.

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