Phases and Faces|

Phases and Faces

Call for Submissions

Deadline for Submission: October 31, 2016, midnight PST

Notice of Acceptance: December 5, 2016

Show Duration: March 15, 2017 to April 30, 2017

About the Exhibit

We are pleased to announce Phases & Faces of Affordable Housing in Los Angeles – A City Hall Bridge Gallery Exhibit! The exhibit will run from mid-March through April 2017 and will focus on the human cost of homelessness and the lack of affordable housing in Los Angeles. The curating team will select between 30-50 images and videos based on creativity, originality, quality and adherence to the focus of the exhibit. There is no limit to the number of images/videos/stories that can be submitted.

What is “Phases and Faces of Affordable Housing in Los Angeles”?

Hunched. Destitute. Faceless. A mere silhouette, cast aside to a corner of our conscious mind as we walk away.  Faceless because we as a society have chosen to look away.  The silhouette is one of 47,000 homeless persons in Los Angeles who has become a statistic and a physical object set in the background, waiting to be side-stepped by passersby.  We choose not to look them in their eyes, peer into their souls, feel their pain, and listen to their journeys.  Help us put a face on them again.  Help us tell their tales through the power of image, and remind us that everyone in the City of Angels deserves a home, a chance at life, and the audacity to dream.  Help us face this dire problem besieging our City. One face at a time.

It has been 25 years since a formalized and focused effort to increase the supply of affordable housing in Los Angeles was started with the creation of the City of Los Angeles Affordable Housing Commission and the Housing Preservation and Production Department (HPPD), which has evolved into what is now called the Los Angeles Housing + Community Investment Department (HCIDLA). To commemorate this historic milestone, HCIDLA will host an exhibit entitled “Phases & Faces of Affordable Housing in Los Angeles”, showcasing the many phases of affordable housing development and preservation. and the faces of diverse individuals and families who are in need of or are the living beneficiaries of affordable housing programs in Los Angeles.

Join HCIDLA and answer our Call for Submissions as we present the Phases & Faces of Affordable Housing in Los Angeles.    We are asking you to participate in this first-of-its-kind exhibit in Los Angeles City Hall, by submitting as many photos, videos, and stories as you can in response to this Call for Submissions. Help us introduce the public to individuals and families who live in or are seeking affordable housing and the faces of homelessness, and convey the message that they can be anyone around us.  They are human.  They are Angelenos.  WE are Los Angeles.


  • Amateur and professional photographers
  • Photography organizations
  • Art institutes
  • Non-profit organizations whose mission is related to homelessness and/or affordable housing
  • Non-profit and for-profit developers of affordable and supportive housing
  • Service providers for affordable and supportive housing developments
  • Service providers of services aimed at lifting families out of poverty and moving them towards self-sufficiency; ensuring safe and secure living environments; housing homeless and special needs populations; and providing neighborhood development funds to low-income communities
  • Non-profit organizations and advocacy groups with focus on rights of tenants and property owners
  • All concerned citizens of Los Angeles

The deadline to send digital files for consideration is October 31, 2016 by midnight PST. There is no limit to the amount of images, videos, and stories that can be submitted.

Acceptance Notice

The selection process will be blind. Once the curating team has made its selection of images,videos,and stories, all entrants will be notified whether or not their entries have been selected by November 16, 2016. The selected images, video, stories and applicants’ names will also be posted on HCIDLA’s website.

Entry Fee

There is no entry fee.

Liability and Agreement

Each applicant retains all copyrights to his or her entries. Applicants whose submissions are chosen for the exhibit grant the City of Los Angeles the right to use their images,videos,stories for display on the City of Los Angeles’ website and for the purpose of promoting the exhibit, promoting the City of Los Angeles’ programs, and promoting the artist. Promotions and images,videos,and stories may also be used in postings on the City of Los Angeles social media network with applicant/artist credit. Applicants/artists grant the use of their images,videos,and stories as stated without further contact from the City of Los Angeles. The applicant/artist understands that the City of Los Angeles will not be held responsible for loss, theft or other damage, whether caused by the negligence of its officers, members, or others. Submission of application will constitute an agreement to all these terms and conditions.

Exhibit Prints

All images accepted for exhibition will be printed and mounted on foam board. Further instructions will be provided if the applicant’s or artist’s work is accepted. Applicants/photographers should retain the digital files in the highest resolution possible for the option of enlargement up to 52″ x 77″.

How to Enter

Image Submissions*

1. Size each image 1200 pixels on the long side.
2. Label digital files in this manner: FirstName_LastName_01, FirstName_LastName_02, FirstName_LastName_03, etc.
3. Save each image as a jpg.
4. Create a text document (i.e. .doc, .docx, .txt) listing each image submission with the following information: file name, title, year, location and description/story.
5. Submit your images here:
* Images submitted at this time are for curating panel review. Upon acceptance, instructions will be provided to photographers/applicants to submit high resolution image(s) for the option of enlargement up to 52″ x 77″. 

Video Submissions

1. Upload the video to a file hosting site (i.e. Youtube , Vimeo, Dropbox, Hightail).
2. Create a text document (i.e. .doc, .docx, .txt)  with the following information: URL, title, year, location and description/story.
3. Include the video URL with your application here:

Story Submissions

1. Create a text document (i.e. .doc, .docx, .txt) of your story and label the file in this manner: FirstName_LastName.
2. Submit your story here:


Call Teresa Campos-Singson at (213)-808-8808 or send your question(s) here:

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